- The mother had toxemia of pregnancy. 译文:该孕妇曾患妊娠毒血症。
- pure toxemia of pregnancy 单纯性妊娠中毒症
- hypertension complicated with toxemia of pregnancy 高血压合并妊娠毒血症
- cardiac disease in toxemia of pregnancy 妊娠中毒症心脏病
- retinopathy of late toxemia of pregnancy 晚期妊娠中毒症性视网膜病
- Prevention and treatment of toxemia of pregnancy in sheep 羊妊娠毒血症的防治
- Diagnosis and treatment of toxemia of pregnancy of small tailed Han sheep 小尾寒羊妊娠毒血症的诊治
- Change of Pathological Histology in the Liver of Pregnancy Toxemia of Little Han Sheep 妊娠毒血症小尾寒羊肝脏的病理组织学变化
- The first trimester of pregnancy. 妊娠的头三个月
- What are the effects of pregnancy? 怀孕有什么症状?
- Capacitation of acrosome; Process of pregnancy. 精子获能;妊娠的过程。
- Many myths surround the mysteries of pregnancy. 围绕着怀孕的种种现象有许多神话。
- To reach the stage of pregnancy when the fetus can be felt to move. 胎儿蠕动达到可以感觉到胎儿活动的怀孕阶段
- mild toxemia of pregnancy 轻度妊娠毒血症
- severe toxemia of pregnancy 重度妊娠中毒症
- moderate toxemia of pregnancy 中度妊娠毒血症
- Mind, you are now at the end of your third month of pregnancy. 注意,你现在怀孕将近三个月了。
- Persistent application could effectively fade striae of pregnancy. 长期使用可以有效地淡化妊娠纹。
- toxemia of pregnancy 妊娠中毒症,妊娠毒血症,先兆子痫
- Gluteofemoral Erythema of Pregnancy: A new Dermatosis of Pregnancy? 妊娠股臀红斑:一种新的妊娠皮肤病?