- 参join
- 革leather
- 参保insured
- 洗心革面thoroughly reform oneself
- 花旗参American ginseng
- 合成革chemical leather
- 参杂inclusion
- 这个学生因在期末考试中作弊而受到一次严重警告处分。The student received a severe reprimand for cheating in the terminal examination.
- 他受处分撤职。He retired from office in disgrace.
- 形参formal parameter
- 这手套是用小山羊革制成的。The gloves were made of kid.
- 党内处分disciplinary action within the Party
- 参比reference
- 免予处分exempt sb. from punishment
- 面革upper leather
- 参比电极reference electrode
- 任何一个把有毒废弃物倒入河里的人都应该受到严厉的处分。A: Anyone who dumps toxic waste into rivers should be severely punished.
- 铬鞣羔革chrome kid
- 他们都有错,为何单挑他来处分?They all did wrong, why single him out for punishment?
- 参予went in for