- punctum remotum 远点
- punctum remotum of convergence 集合远点, 辐辏远点
- punctum remotum, PR 远点
- YAG laser for block of punctum lacrimale. 泪点阻塞性疾病激光治疗。
- There is nothing to suggest, at least initially, that this is anything but a sentimental punctum of the family. 没有任何东西来暗示观众这一幕不是家庭生活的一个动人场景,至少开头没有。
- In this report, we present two cases of basal cell carcinoma which invaded the medial side of the lower eyelid and lower punctum. 本篇报告两个侵犯下眼睑内侧及泪孔之基底细胞癌的病例。
- Objective Analyze the causation and surgical treatment of traumatic inferior punctum ectropion. 摘要目的分析外伤性下泪点外翻的原因和手术治疗的方法。
- Methods:Three adult dogs received laser surgery separately on lower little tuber,punctum and lacrimal cyst. 方法:三只成年狗用激光分别点击了泪小点,泪小管,泪囊。
- Topographical dissections of Zu-san-li punctum, punctum of appendix, and Ren-ying punctum. 关于“足三里”“阑尾”“人迎”穴局部解剖的一些观察
- Objective To evaluate the efficacy of the silicone punctum plug in the treatment of dry eye. 摘要目的评价泪小点塞在干眼症治疗中的疗效。
- Roland Barthes describes “the punctum” of the photograph, the tiny detail of the photograph which hooks the viewer. 陈农确是带着纸衣服来到真的地方。但是当照片被洗出来并上色,就很难再将纸衣服从真的环境中区分出来。
- Imperforate lacrimal punctum is a congenital disorder of dogs involving the lack of an opening to the nasolacrimal duct (tear duct) in the conjunctiva. 鼻泪管阻塞是指一种先天性的鼻泪管在结膜上缺乏开口的疾病。
- Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of implantation of suture rope for treatment of obstruction of lacrimal punctum . 目的探讨线穗植入法治疗泪点阻塞的效果。
- There are epiphora,conjunctival hyperemia.Press the area of the dacryocystitis there is mucous or mucopurulent secretion flowing out from the lacrimal punctum..... 泪溢、结膜充血。挤压泪囊区有粘液或粘液脓性分泌物自泪小点流出。
- The surgical method was as follows: topical anesthesia, dilataltion of infra_lacrimal punctum, using a probe which can clusis to get through the diaphragm. 手术方法:表麻后,扩张下泪点,用冲洗式探针由下泪点进针行探通术,至鼻泪管下端阻塞处刺破隔膜进入鼻腔。
- Methods Twenty_one cases(23 eyes) with lacrimal puncta occlusion underwent lacrimal punctum reconstruction surgery with KTP_laser and collagen inplant was implanted. 方法对21例(23眼)泪点闭锁用KTP激光击通闭锁的泪点后,用显微平镊将可溶性胶原泪栓植入泪点内。
- The surgical method was as follows: topical anesthesia, dilataltion of infra-lacrimal punctum, using a probe which can clusis to get through the diaphragm. 手术方法:表麻后,扩张下泪点,用冲洗式探针由下泪点进针行探通术,至鼻泪管下端阻塞处刺破隔膜进入鼻腔。
- Objective To explore the relations between the shapes of lacrimal punctum, gender, age and tearing through the clinical research on the shape of lacrimal punctum of the patient presented with tearing. 摘要目的通过对流泪患者泪小点形态的研究,探讨泪小点形态及性别年龄与流泪的关系。
- Probing of lacrimal punctum with irrigation 泪点探查伴冲洗
- The treatment of ophthalmoxerosis with punctum plug 泪点栓塞治疗眼干燥症