- pump power level 抽运功率级
- The pump power is fed through a second waveguide. 泵的功率通过第二个波导管馈入。
- Any difference in power level is not significant. 拍子本身的力量等级差异不显著。
- Based on Giles? two level model,we calculated the optimum length of Er doped fiber (EDF) for a given pump power. 根据二能级近似的 Giles模型 ,计算了对于给定泵浦功率的最佳掺铒光纤长度。
- Effect of input pump power on active ring microresonator filter[J]. 引用该论文 黄小莉;陈海燕;戴基智.
- Centrifugal pumps are the most common pump power. 离心泵是最常见的动力式泵。
- We don't use any Bots or Macros to power level your character. 冲击力传到车身时,可能引起汽车机件的早期损坏;
- Warcraft Power Level Julia Bertram was only twelve, and Maria but a year older. 想知道打篮球是不是那么 容易 ,就去找跟自己差不多年纪的试试,垃圾!
- The RF output power level is maximum for 13.5 VDC and minimum at 2 VDC. RF功率输出的是在13.;5V时候最大,而在2V时候最小。
- We provide a world of Warcraft Power levelinG. 首先检查按键是否能够将触点压在一起,一切正常。
- pumping power level 泵浦功率级,抽运功率级
- The experimetal curves about intensity of conjugate wave vs. irradiate time at different pump power is given. 给出了在不同泵浦功率下,共轭波强度随照射时间变化的实验曲线。
- A unit that describes the ratio of two power levels. 描述两个功率电平比值的单位。
- All solid-state transponders are under development with output power level lower by some 20-30 dB in the 4-6GHz band. 正在研制的全固态转发器在4-6千兆赫频段中的输出功率电平约低20-30分贝.
- At the same time, the effect of the 980 nm pump power on the multiwavelength generation has be investigated. 另一方面, 实验中利用了在线型的双折射光纤滤波器, 它是一种新型的周期性梳状滤波器。
- The optical bistable is observed because the absorption for laser reduces with the increasing of the pump power. 饱和吸收体对激光的吸收系数随抽运光强的增加而减小, 形成了输出激光的光学双稳态特性。
- In this way, you will know how Power leveling to arran...... 你瞬间崩溃。这一次,你知道,他是说真的了。你知道,你终于失去了他。
- In this way, you will know how Power leveling to arrange&nb... 喧嚣现世中,我出没于霓虹迷离的步行街,人潮汹涌的地铁站。
- In this way, you will know how Power leveling to arrange your&nb... 感情就是如此的微妙,也因此,纵然明知是错的,但就还是会有人深陷下去。