- pulsed magnetic flux leakage 脉冲漏磁
- Bottom tank inspection using magnetic flux leakage technique. 使用磁通量渗漏技术进行储罐底部检测。
- Low magnetic flux leakage avoids influence the magnetic sensitive samples under test. 机体漏磁隔离效果佳,避免干扰测试产品。双重悬吊系统,寿命在半永久性。
- The alternative magnetic flux leakage testing system based on A3515 Hall clement was introduced, including its composition and operation. 摘要介绍基于A3515霍尔元件的交变漏磁检测系统的设计,包括检测系统的组成和测试方法。
- A two-stage self-adapting filter method is proposed for implementing noise decrease in magnetic flux leakage signals. 摘要介绍一种两级自适应滤波算法对漏磁信号进行降噪的实现。
- Finite element method (FEM) is commonly used in analysis of magnetic flux leakage (MFL) of defect of oil pipe. 有限元法广泛应用于石油管道缺陷漏磁场分析,成为替代物理试验,获得大量缺陷漏磁信号的有效手段。
- A pulsed magnet with 10 mm in bore diameter and a pulsed duration of 10 ms is designed, which can generate the magnetic flux density of 60 T. The behavior simulation of this magnet supplied by different pulsed power modules is also presented. 本文对一个内径为10mm、能产生60T场强、持续脉冲时间为10ms的强磁体的相关参数进行了设计计算,并对该强磁体在不同脉冲电源条件下的电特性行为进行了仿真。
- Magnetic Flux Leakage(MFL) detectingtechnologyisthe main method of on-lineinspection. 漏磁检测技术是管道在线检测的主要方法。
- Magnetic flux leakage testing method (MFL) as an effective method is widely used in steel pipes inspection system. 漏磁检测法作为一种高效的检测方法被广泛应用于钢管的在线无损检测。
- Abstract:When magnetic flux leakag(eMFL)means is employedin nondestructive evaluation of gun muzzle,MFL signal containsnoises. 摘要:采用漏磁法对炮管进行无损检测时,漏磁信号中含有噪声。
- The experiment result indicates that the algorithm is effective in the noise decrease effect for magnetic flux leakage signals. 将演算法应用于管道漏磁检测系统中,实验结果表明该演算法在漏磁信号的处理中能取得较好的降噪效果。
- Using finite element method (FEM), the magnetostatic and transient emulation models of magnetic flux leakage (MFL) of oil tube are established. 采用有限元技术,建立了油管缺陷漏磁场的静态和瞬态仿真模型。
- According to the lately force magnetic theory,tiny Holl probe was used to practice magnetic flux leakage(MFL) testing on R3 middle-carbon steel. 根据最新力磁理论,使用微型霍尔探头对R3碳钢进行漏磁检测。
- Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) inspection is a most successful non-destructive evaluation technique used for in-service inspection of pipelines. 摘要漏磁(MFL)检测是油气管道在线检测中应用非常成熟的一种无损检测技术。
- There are varying noises in output signal obtained from magnetic flux leakage (MFL) nondestructive testing of oil pipeline. 摘要在采用漏磁法对输油管道进行无损检测过程中,信号会受到各种噪声的干扰。
- Described the basic mechanism of inspection with the MFL(Magnetic Flux Leakage)and ultrasonic methods,and the application at home and abroad. 叙述了采用漏磁法和超声波法进行管道内检测的基本原理和国内外的应用情况。
- Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) inspection technology is the main method of on-line inspecting long distance oil-gas transportation pipeline. 漏磁检测技术是长距离油气输送管道进行在线检测的主要方法。
- MFE Enterprises Inc. of Humble Texas is pleased to present of it's MFE 2412 Mark II Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Tank Floor Scanner. MFE公司位于Humble德克萨斯州,很高兴为您展示这款MFE2412II型漏磁罐底扫描仪。
- The micro-crack for sucker rod is inspected by magnetic flux leakage inspection by now, but it is not good for accuracy and sensitivity. 针对目前漏磁检测抽油杆微裂纹的精度和灵敏度不高的现状,提出一种通过拉伸抽油杆使微裂纹张开后的漏磁检测法。
- In this thesis,I take out oil pole as object to research the principium and the method which base on the DSP to detect the magnetic flux leakage on-line in the first place. 本文以抽油杆为对象,研究了基于DSP的抽油杆在线漏磁无损检测技术的原理和方法,并提出了总体的设计方案和解决方法。