- pull cord controlled type 拉线控制式
- Object representing the editing control type. 属性设置为表示编辑控件类型的。
- Set the control type to Check Box, Text Box, List Box or Combo Box. 将控件类型设置为“复选框”、“文本框”、“列表框”或“组合框”。
- Melzack and Wall determined that chemical gates in the spinal cord control pain signals from the body to the brain, depending largely on patients' emotional states. 大门的开关很大程度上取决于病人的情绪状况。
- Returns the control type of any parsed child controls. 返回任何已分析的子控件的控件类型。
- The ash generated in incinerator is disposed into the controlled type waste landfill. 卫生填埋场防渗需设置低渗透率的粘土层,日本粘土资源匮乏。
- For each control, the page is called to provide a device adapter for the specified control type. 对于每一个控件,将调用页来提供指定控件类型的设备适配器。
- Class with the specified identity reference, access control type, property access type, and property set identifier. 使用指定的标识引用、访问控制类型、属性访问类型和属性集标识符来初始化。
- Select all fields, except MESSAGE and leave the default Output field as Control type. 选择除MESSAGE以外的所有字段,并接受缺省Output字段作为Control type。
- Specifies whether the variable is based on a control type or the value of the control. 指定变量是基于控件类型还是控件的值。
- Use the Type attribute to specify one of the following control types. 使用Type属性指定下列控件类型之一。
- Each machine is made up of various fun and wacky controls such as cranks, pull cords, guitar strings, egg timers, gearsticks and even a TV game system complete with its own joystick. 每台机器都是由各种各样有趣奇异的部件构成,例如:曲柄,电线,吉他弦,鸡蛋定时器,变速杆,甚至还包括用操纵杆控制的完整监控系统。
- When referencing or casting controls, be sure to use the correct control type. 引用或强制转换控件时,一定要使用正确的控件类型。
- If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. 如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。
- The structure, meter principle, control type and the factors that have effect on the meter precision of IPA weightometer of Schenck Company were introduced. 摘要介绍了申克公司的IPA称量仪的结构、测量原理、控制方式,以及影响测量精度的因素。
- Pull the cord in case of emergency. 发生紧急状况时,拉下翼弦。
- Deployment requirements vary widely depending on the control type and whether your report is configured for local or remote processing. 根据控件类型以及报表是配置为本地处理还是远程处理,部署要求会有很大不同。
- Joe tried to pull the heavy cart, but to no avail. 乔想拉那部笨重的大车,但是拉不动。
- He tied up the packages well with heavy cord. 他用粗绳子把那几包东西结实地捆好。
- An object that can be used as a lookup key in a dictionary-style collection, which contains the control type and skin ID information. 一个对象,可用作字典样式集合中的查找键,该集合包含控件类型和外观ID信息。