- Effect of combined treatment of auricular and body acupuncture on puerperal subinvolution of uterus and its relation with contents of some endocrine hormones 耳、体穴结合治疗产后子宫复旧不全的效果与某些内分泌激素含量关系的研究
- puerperal subinvolution 产门不闭, 阴门不闭, 玉门不闭
- The puerperal period, the menstrual period, around the stream of people surgery cleanly nurses. 产褥期、经期、人流手术前后的清洁护理。
- Main causes of the disease are subinvolution of uterus and remnants of placenta and embryolemma (amounting to 59.0%). 子宫复旧不良及胎盘、胎膜残留为主要病因占59.;0%25。
- Objective:To expore the therapeutical effects and its mechanisms of Qinggong decoction on the subinvolution of uterus after delivery. 目的:探讨清宫汤治疗产后子宫复旧不良的效果和作用机理。
- The treatment of endometritis, pyometra, vaginitis, cervicitis, puerperal disorders, and local bleeding from the uterus,acutemastitis,fester . 防治子宫内膜炎、子宫积脓、阴道炎、子宫颈炎、产后子宫弛缓、子宫局部出血、急性乳房炎,外科脓疮等。
- Objective To explore the relevance of genital mycoplasma infection, puerperal infection and neonatal asphyxia during perinatal period. 目的研究围生期孕妇支原体感染与产褥感染及新生儿窒息的关系。
- Methods:5 000 puerperal women selected were investigated and analyzed by self-made survey table and Minnesota Multinomial Personality Index (MMPI). 方法:使用自编调查表及明尼苏达(MMPI)抑郁量表对5000例产妇进行调查分析。
- Results The causes were rupture of cesarean incision,subinvolution of uterus,retained placenta or decidua,endometritis,serious anemia,and postpartum choriocarcinoma in order. 结果发病原因依次为子宫切口裂开;子宫复旧不良;胎盘、蜕膜残留;子宫内膜炎;重度贫血;产后绒癌。发生时间以剖宫产术后3周以上占多数(67.;44%25);部分病例(16
- The main cause of late postpartum hemorrhage is retained placental fragment, subinvolution, uterine infection and uterine incision rupture after cesarean section. 晚期产后出血主要原因是胎盘胎膜残留、子宫复旧不良、宫腔感染及剖宫产子宫切口裂开。
- Objective:To study the prevention and treatment for the late puerperal hemorrhage. 目的:探讨晚期产后出血的预防与治疗。
- Methods:The clinical data of 42 cases of late puerperal hemorrhage are analysed retrospectively. 方法:对42例晚期产后出血患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。
- The puerperal infection rate was the highest, the second was urinary tract infection. 产褥感染居首位,其次为泌尿道感染;
- Objective: To probe into the demand state of primipara for puerperal sexual knowledge. 探讨初产妇对产后性知识需求情况。
- Objective To probe into clinical manifestation and specify of puerperal mental disorder. 目的探讨产褥期精神障碍的临床表现与归类。
- Meanwhile, 18 factors that could influence the puerperal women's health scores concerning three dimensions were found. 同时发现有18个因素能够影响产褥期妇女3个维度的健康评分。
- China's old habits are no children disinfection, so a lot of puerperal fever occurred. 我国旧的习惯是生孩子不作消毒,因此发生产褥热的很多。
- ObjectiveTo probe into the influence of accompanied labor on puerperal depression. 目的探讨陪伴分娩对产后抑郁症的影响。
- Compared with vaginal delivery, the puerperal morbidity and infection after cesarean sect... 二组病历中胎膜早破分别占26.;9%25和31