- pudendal hematocele 外阴血囊肿
- Proctalgia fugax: Caused by pudendal neuropathy? 痉挛性肛部疼痛:由阴部神经病变导致?
- Eye traumatic vitreous body hematocele 15. 眼外伤性玻璃体积血15只眼。
- The pudendal nerve has different abut in different anatomical position. 在阴部管及坐骨直肠窝;阴部神经的毗邻不同.
- Objective To investigate the treatment of massive hematocele in bladder. 摘要目的:探讨膀胱内大量积血的处理方法。
- Method:use the narcosis to cure pelvic hematocele syndromes 54 cases. 方法:对54例盆腔淤血综合征的患者采用麻醉的方法治疗。
- The pudendal nerve provides the major nerve supply to the striated sphincter and levator ani. 外括约肌和提肛肌的主要支配神经为阴部神经。
- We also probed examination of EOG to trumatic cataract, vitreous hematocele and contusion of optic nerve. 本文还对外伤性白内障、玻璃体积血和视神经挫伤的EOG检查进行了探索。
- The major arterial supply to the corpora cavernosa is derived from the internal pudendal artery. 阴茎海绵体的主要动脉供应来自于阴部内动脉。
- Objective: To provide anatomical details of pudendal nerve for pudendal block anesthesia. 目的:为阴部神经阻滞麻醉提供解剖学基础。
- Objective Explores the entire vitreous body cutting in the vitreous body hematocele application. 摘要目的探索全玻璃体切割在玻璃体积血中的应用。
- Methods Skin microdissection of pudendal regions was performed on 11 cadavers(22 sides). 方法对11具(22侧)成人尸体阴股沟区进行显微解剖学研究。
- Purpose:Observe the clinical effect of pelvie hematocele synclromes by the narcosis therapy. 目的:观察麻醉治疗盆腔淤血综合征临床效果。
- The pudendal nere proides the major nere supply to the striated sphincter and leator ani. 外括约肌和提肛肌的主要支配神经为阴部神经。
- Objective To investigate the effective of of external ventricular drainage with primary intraventricular hematocele. 目的观察脑室穿刺引流对老年人各种原因导致的脑室内积血的治疗作用。
- Howeer, pudendal arteries can arise from the obturator, inferior esical, and superior esical arteries. 然而,阴部内动脉可以起源于闭孔动脉,膀胱下动脉,膀胱上动脉。
- Conclusion:It is better effect to pelvic hematocele syndromes treated by narcosis. 结论:麻醉治疗盆腔淤血综合征效果好。
- However, pudendal arteries can arise from the obturator, inferior vesical, and superior vesical arteries. 然而,阴部内动脉可以起源于闭孔动脉,膀胱下动脉,膀胱上动脉。
- The major arterial supply to the corpora caernosa is deried from the internal pudendal artery. 海绵体的主要动脉供应来自于阴部内动脉。
- Objective To observed the analgesic effect of the bilateral blocking of pudendal nerves in vaginal delivery. 目的观察双侧阴部神经阻滞麻醉用于阴道分娩镇痛效果。