- University of Freiburg, located in Freiburg of Germany, is a public research university. 弗莱堡大学位于德国的弗莱堡市,是一所公立的研究性大学。
- The University of Virginia is a public research university located in Charlottesville, Virginia. 弗吉尼亚大学是坐落在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔市的一所公立大学。
- public research university 公立研究型大学
- The CRC currently delivers four kinds of public research "product" or output. 研究成果有年刊报告,技术和工作报告,科学出版物,会议论文等。
- public research universities 公立研究型大学
- Officially opened in 1991,HKUST is a research university emphasising science,technology,business and management. 香港科技大学是以科技和商管为主的研究型大学,于一九九一年创立。
- Officially opened in 1991, HKUST is a research university emphasising science, technology, business and management. 香港科技大学是以科技和商管为主的研究型大学,于一九九一年创立。
- The import of brainpower from abroad plays a major role in the internalization of a research university. 摘要国外引智工作在研究型大学国际化进程中有着相当重要的地位。
- The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), founded in 1895, is a comprehensive teaching and research university. 美国德克萨斯大学-阿灵顿校区成立于1895年,是一所集教学、研究为一体的综合性大学。
- Reflection on the Comparison of Undergraduate Education Objectives in the Research University Between China and the U.S. 中美研究型大学本科教育培养目标定位的比较与反思。
- What this times need research university teaching is the transfer from "instruction" to "study", from "passiveness" to "activeness". 时代要求研究型大学的教学是由“教”向“学”、由“被动”向“主动”的转移。
- The Research Grants Council (RGC) advises the Government,through the UGC,on the needs of tertiary institutions for academic research and the funding required,and monitors the use of public research grants it has awarded. 研究资助局就高等教育院校的学术研究需要和拨款事宜,通过教资会向政府提供意见,并监察已拨出的研究补助金的使用情况。
- Northwestern is a major private research university with 12 academic divisions located on two lakefront campuses in Evanston and Chicago. 西北大学有两个校区,面朝密歇根湖,坐落于埃文斯顿和芝加哥之间。西北大学是重要的私立研究型大学,拥有12个院系。
- Moreover, incentives are suggested for scientists in public research institutions to commercialize their research and create synergies, through networks between research institutions in both developing and developed countries. 此外,还建议激励公共研究机构的科学家将其研究成果商业化,并通过发展中与发达国家的研究机构间的网络发挥协同作用。
- Private and public research is particularly active in sectors such as the pharmaceutical, chemical, material sciences, taste and nutritional sciences, virtual reality, environment, biology and healthcare industries. 一些私营或公立的研究在以下领域特别活跃:医药,化工,材料科学,营养科学,计算机虚拟现实,环境,生物学,保健。
- This paper attempts to study and describe the content of teaching and research university,and then puts forward some reflexion on its preliminary stage. 通过对教学研究型大学的内涵进行研究与阐述,提出了由教学型大学向教学研究型大学过渡阶段即教学研究型大学的初期阶段的一些办学思考。
- The Research Grants Council (RGC) advises the Government, through the UGC, on the needs of tertiary institutions for academic research and the funding required, and monitors the use of public research grants it has awarded. 研究资助局就高等教育院校的学术研究需要和拨款事宜,通过教资会向政府提供意见,并监察已拨出的研究补助金的使用情况。
- This paper discusses the conditions of Tsinghua University and its new direction and major measures in the coming phase of research university building. 结合清华大学的实际,提出今后一个时期建设研究型大学的努力方向和基本措施。
- The company is working with public research institutions in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Africa and Vietnam to develop locally adapted varieties of Golden Rice. 先正达公司与孟加拉、中国、印度、印尼、菲律宾、南非和越南的公部门研究机构合作,发展适合当地环境的黄金米品种。
- Since we can get an outline and the curial essence from the famous individuals in history, the necessary of public research and details it provided can give us complete information of the history. 本文还可以更深入的探讨研究历史的个人和大众,分别对现代社会有什么影响!这样,文章将更有深度,和广度!