- He won't cave in to the public protest. 他不会向群众的抗议屈服?
- The government hushed the affair up to avoid a public protest. 当局对此事秘而不宣,以免引起公众抗议。
- The article was an invitation for public protest against the newspaper. 那篇文章激起公众对该报的抗议。
- Following four years of international public protest aimed at the companies, Bechtel and Abengoa agreed to abandon their case for a token payment. 经过四年多来世界各地民众持续向该公司抗议后,这两家公司决定放弃高额的违约求偿,只收取象徵性的款项。
- AS PUBLIC protest in Tehran seems to dwindle, at any rate on the streets, many Arab leaders are quietly exhaling a sigh of relief. 随着在德黑兰的公众抗议活动,至少是街头抗议活动的逐步减少,许多阿拉伯国家领导人暗地里都松了一口气。
- Amid mounting social discontent over inflation,the government leaders have used police action to drive home the futility of public protest. 由于通货膨胀,社会的不满情绪不断加剧。在这种情况下,政府领导人迅速动用了警力,让人们意识到举行公众抗议活动是徒劳的。
- His family received a detention notice accusing Mr.Wu of inciting farmers to stage a public protest about pollution a few weeks earlier. 他家里收到一张拘留通知,指控吴先生几星期前煽动农民举行针对污染的公众抗议。
- Such rewards, in the face of public protest, feed the impression that banks are victims of what some call “employee capture”. 面对着公众的反对,这样的奖金让人想起银行是被某些人称为“雇员捕获”的受害人这一说法。
- But feng NBL championship Guangdong team aluminum expressed public protest, they prepared to prosecute the way "to have a say," Chinese basketball again is not up peaceful. 然而NBL的冠军广东凤铝队对此表示公开抗议,他们准备通过起诉的方式来“讨个说法”,中国篮球界再度不平静起来。
- Ethnic Uyghur residents in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang, took to the streets Sunday afternoon in a rare public protest that prompted a police lock-down of the city. 维吾尔民族居民在乌鲁木齐,新疆首府走上街头星期日下午在一次罕见的公开抗议,促使警方锁定的城市。
- That led to civil unrest and public protests, with much of the economy returning to barter. 这引发了社会动乱和公共抗议活动,而经济也退回到物物交换的状态。
- She explained that the government has grown increasingly adept at dealing with leadership changes and public protests. 她解释说,政府已经在应对领导权变化及社会不同意见上日益成熟。
- Chinese officials rarely grant approval for public protests unless judged supportive of government policy. 除非断定是支持政府政策的,中国官方极少批准公开抗议。
- Public protests are rare in Beijing, so the sight of screaming demonstrators on television seems all the more jarring. 公开的示威在北京是难以见到的,所以这些电视机上的示威行动更显得刺耳。
- But as public protests continued to dwindle without actually ending, the authorities said the incumbent would be sworn in early next month. 但是随着公众抗议范围不断缩小,实际上并没结束,当局称,现任者将在下月初举行宣誓活动。
- As it is, the environment is the second most frequent subject of public protests after disputes over land, according to Mr Pan. 根据潘先生的看法,实际上,环境是公众抗议的第二个最经常的主题,排在土地争端之后。
- THE Chinese government is getting increasingly twitchy about what officials say is a rapid growth in the number and scale of public protests. 官方说公众抗议的数量和规模正在迅速增长,中国政府对此正在感到越来越强烈的阵痛。
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。