- How is Deng Yonggu suspected of calumniatory law case making public prosecution case? 邓永固涉嫌诽谤的案子怎么成为公诉案件了?
- The adjudicating objects in public prosecution case include criminal facts and actions, relevant names of crime, and sentenced punishments. 刑事公诉案件的审理对象包括犯罪事实与行为、触犯的罪名和应判处的刑罚。
- On Function of Victim Appeal Right in the Public Prosecution Case 论公诉案件被害人上诉权的功能
- Study on the Pre-court Examination Procedure in Public Prosecution Case 公诉案件庭前审查程序研究
- the relationship between public prosecution case and private prosecution 自诉案件与公诉案件的牵连
- Research on the System of Attorney's Procuration in Public Prosecution Cases 公诉案件律师代理制度研究
- public prosecution case 公诉案件
- The Blemish and Improving of the System of Public Prosecution Cases'Record Putting 我国公诉案件立案制度的缺陷及改进
- He was found not guilty because of holes in the prosecution case. 由于起诉案情有破绽,他被判无罪。
- For a case of public prosecution that is tried through summary procedure, the People's Procuratorate may send no procurators to the court. 第一百七十五条适用简易程序审理公诉案件,人民检察院可以不派员出席法庭。
- Public prosecution mechanism accuses its defalcate amount is as high as 760 million, this is Yunnan province is the biggest since founding a state a defalcate case. 公诉机关指控其挪用公款数额高达7.;6亿,这是建国以来云南省最大一起挪用公款案。
- Some countries prohibit withdrawal public prosecution, e.g.France and Germany. 对撤回公诉持否定态度的主要有法国和德国。
- An admission on part of the defendant would also help the prosecution case. 对于被告一方的供述也会有助于起诉案件的。
- public prosecution cases 公诉案件
- According to the conventions of pretrial review system of public prosecution cases exerting in other countries, our country should establish the censorship of "a copy of bill of indictment." 根据世界刑事案件庭前审查制度改革的方向和我国国情,应在未来建立"起诉书一本主义"的审查制度。
- After a People's Procuratorate has concluded its investigation of a case, it shall make a decision to initiate public prosecution, not to initiate a prosecution or to dismiss the case. 第一百三十五条人民检察院侦查终结的案件,应当作出提起公诉、不起诉或者撤销案件的决定。
- The police has sent the papers on the fraud to the director of public prosecution. 警察已将有关欺诈的文件寄给公诉部主任。
- All cases requiring initiation of a public prosecution shall be examined for decision by the People's Procuratorates. 第一百三十六条凡需要提起公诉的案件,一律由人民检察院审查决定。
- But he can act as the accusing witness for public prosecution to barter for the penalize exemption. 但可以转而为国家公诉机关担任控方证人,来换取其刑罚的豁免。
- The sixth part introspects to our country"s public prosecution stage procedural diversion system present condition. 第六部分是对我国公诉阶段程序分流制度现状的反思。