- rural public products supply system 农村公共产品供给体制
- How to effectively improve countryside public products supply system and increase countryside public products in the supply is the key of construction of a new socialist countryside. 如何有效地改善农村公共产品供给体制,增加农村公共产品的供应量是社会主义新农村建设的关键。
- public products supply system 公共产品供给
- The two differentpublic product supply with system cause rural public product history debt more, supply withseriously insufficiently. 这种两套不同的公共产品供给体制造成农村公共产品历史的欠账较多,供给严重不足。
- supply system of public products 公共品供给体制
- On the Supply System of Public Products in the Rural 试论农村公共产品的制度供给
- Based on actual condition, this article mainly analyses predicament and reason of supplies of rural public goods and explores related methods to innovate supply system of rural public product. 本文从实际出发,对我国农村公共产品供给存在的诸多困境及原因进行了分析,并在此基础上探讨如何构建农村公共产品供给机制。
- On Constructing Rural Insurance System With Effective Public Products Supply in Building Socialist New Countryside 社会主义新农村建设中农村公共产品有效供给的社会保障机制研究
- The Research Angle of View on the Trend of Public Product Supply 公共物品供给的动态化视角研究
- The Fault of the Supply System of Rural Public Products and the Peasant's Burden 农村公共产品供给体制缺陷与农民负担
- Macroscopic Observation and Look Out Answer About Changes of the Supply System of Public Products of Chinese Countryside 中国农村公共品供给制度变迁的宏观观察与求解
- Impact of Rural Public Product Supply on Peasant Consuming Expenditure 农村公共品供给对农民消费支出的影响
- The Analysis of the Rural Public Products Supply after the Agricultural Tax Exempted 农业税免征后的农村公共产品供给分析
- Power Supply System to Far end D. 接入网远端设备供电方式的探讨。
- Predicament and Choose of the Rural Public Products Supply under the Termination Agricultural Finance 农业财政终结下农村公共产品供给的困境与选择
- Heat supply system outline/layout (drawing)? 供热系统概述/布局(图)?
- Management of agriculture-countryside-peasant; the third sector; double-failure of market and government; the game theory; rural public product supply 关键字:三农治理;第三部门;市场政府双失灵;博弈论;农村公共物品
- Study of Engineering Aseismic Levels in Water Supply System? 供水系统抗震设防标准的研究?
- Government budget should be the price of procuring public products. 政府预算应是购买公共产品的价格。
- They do not depend on an external hydraulic supply system. 无需外部液压供应。