- Today of Original Region of Public Nuisance Disease in Japan 日本公害病发源地的今天
- People who park on the pavement are a public nuisance. 把汽车停在人行道上的人很讨人嫌。
- The speaker is apparently unaware(that) dog is a public nuisance. 发言人显然没有注意到,狗是一种社会公害。
- public nuisance disease 公害病
- He was charged with causing a public nuisance. 他被控妨害公共利益罪。
- He was charged with committing (a) public nuisance. 他被控妨害公众利益。
- A public nuisance offends the public at large. 一般说来,公害是对大众的侵害。
- The speaker is apparently unaware (that) dog is a public nuisance. 发言人显然没有注意到,狗是一种社会公害。
- The speaker is apparently unaware(that) dogs are a public nuisance. 发言人显然没有注意到,狗是一种社会公害。
- A public nuisance was one which damaged a large number of persons. 公害是造成许多人受害。
- One who lives on the streets and constitutes a public nuisance. 流浪汉露宿街头并被公众讨厌的人
- People who park on the pavementare a public nuisance. 把汽车停在人行道上的人很讨人嫌。
- The speaker is apparently unaware (that) dogs are a public nuisance. 发言人显然没有注意到,狗是一种社会公害。
- They claimed that the noise from the concert was causing a public nuisance. 他们声称从音乐会上传来的嘈杂声引起了大众的反感。
- The nightclub just fenced with the neighboring residents,accusation of its committing a public nuisance. 附近居民指责这家夜总会妨害公众,夜总会对此仅仅搪塞了事。
- The culprit is the American driver, whose lawless activities today add up to a colossal public nuisance. 罪魁祸首要算那些无法无天地驾驶汽车的美国人,其所作所为成了今天的巨大公害。
- The nightclub just fenced with the neighboring residents, accusation of its committing a public nuisance. 附近居民指责这家夜总会妨害公众,夜总会对此仅仅搪塞了事。
- There are a number of torts against land, including trespass against land, public nuisance and private nuisance. 对土地的侵权行为有:对土地的侵犯;公共妨害行为;个人妨害行为。
- disease caused by public nuisance [法] 公害病
- Cows) often causing public nuisance such as traffic jams and eating garbage, which taint the milk that ends up going to market. (牛)可以自由地在印度的城市里漫步,由此经常造成交通堵塞等麻烦事儿,而且牛吃了城市里的垃圾,会使得最终进入市场的牛奶受到污染。