- The doctor works in the domain of public health. 医生在公众健康范围内工作。
- The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis. 卫生局采取措施控制肝炎。
- The restaurant is visited regularly by public health officers. 这个餐馆有公共卫生部门官员定期前来检查。
- public health doctor 公共卫生医师
- The discussion turned on the need for better public health care. 讨论环绕着改善公众卫生保健的必要性。
- A public health center in every city is provided under the health law. 根据卫生法,每个城市都设有一个公共医疗保健中心。
- Why is tobacco a public health priority? 为什么烟草是一项公共卫生重点?
- TB: Public Health versus Personal Liberty? 肺结核:公众健康与个人自由哪个更重要?
- Evidence of a public health risk is found on board. 船上发现公共卫生风险的证据。
- The aim of the public health actions is to. 采取公共生措施的目的。
- Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health. TRIPS与公共健康的宣言。
- We must pay great attention to public health. 我们必须重视公共卫生。
- The fund is earmarked for public health services. 这笔钱是专为保健事业用的。
- Public health developed continuously. 卫生事业不断发展。
- Some whole new sense about child health doctor was expounded in the paper.Some questions and thinking about the health serv... 同时文章阐述了儿保医师的全新视角,提出了为流动目标人群健康服务的问题与思考。
- How Can Public Health Paternalism Possible? 公共健康家长主义何以可能?
- This fund is earmarked for public health services. 这笔钱是专为保健事业用的。
- Byrd also provided us with his own letter corroborating the statements of his colleauge. Here are excerpts from theformer National Institutes of Health doctor: Byrd. 博士也提供给我们他自己的信证明他同事的声明。这些是摘录自前美全国卫生研究所医生。
- He's suitable for public health work. 他适宜做卫生工作。
- TCM formed part of the "barefoot doctor" program, which extended public health into rural areas. 传统中医成为“赤脚医生”计划的一部分,将公共医疗卫生推广到乡村地区。