- How much do you know about our public finances? 公共财政知多少?
- In contrast, the US public finances are in a mess. 现在,中国在世界舞台中的作用已越来越大。
- The suggestion of fiddling public finances flummoxed and infuriated him. 对于他挥霍公共钱财的暗示让他难堪和愤怒。
- The most astounding result, said Mr Rogoff, is the effect on public finances. 而R说,最令人讶异的结果是它在政府财政上的作用。
- They know that our public finances are soundly based,well managed and backed up with strong reserves. 知道我们的公共财政基础稳健,管理完善,而且有强大的储备支持。
- What on Earth is the Public Finance? 究竟什么是公共财政?
- The Panel discussed the Final Report of the Task Force on Review of Public Finances. 事务委员会讨论公共财政专责小组提交的最后报告。
- Managing public finances is to keep taxes low while at the same time satisfying the needs of the community. 处理公共财政最困难的地方,是如何在维持低税制的同时,又能满足社会的需要。
- The basic concept of managing public finances is no different from that of family financial management. 其实管理公共财政和处理家庭财务的基本理念相同。
- As we are all acutely aware, danger signals concerning the state of our public finances have been flashing. 相信大家都知道,本港的公共财政正亮起红灯。
- In South America, Argentina, with persistent problems in its public finances, remained a concern. 南美洲方面,阿根廷的公共财政问题持续,仍然受到关注。
- They know that our public finances are soundly based, well managed and backed up with strong reserves. 知道我们的公共财政基础稳健,管理完善,而且有强大的储备支持;
- Despite the pressure of economic downturn on public finances, our resolve to invest in education is unshaken. 虽然经济困难,公共财政面临重重压力,但我们投资教育的决心丝毫未变。
- This share is projected to increase by a further 50% between now and 2010, putting great pressure on our public finances. 到二零一零年,预计会再增加百分之五十,这会对政府财政构成重大压力。
- But shaking up the economy and plugging the yawning chasm in the public finances requires legislation. 但想要在公共财政中动摇经济填补财政中的裂缝,还需要立法的帮助。
- The prime minister, Brian Cowen, faces two crunches: the banks and the public finances. 爱尔兰总理布莱恩.;科恩面临两大难题:银行和公共财政。
- The plan demonstrates the turnround in Russian public finances, fuelled by record energy prices, since its 1998 crisis. 这项计划表明,自1998年的俄罗斯金融危机以来,随着能源价格达到创纪录水平,俄罗斯的公共财政状况也有了好转。
- Had it not been for smart footwork by the people who manage its public finances, Italy would have been arraigned too. 而意大利却全靠公共财政管理人士耍手腕,才免遭责难。
- Transparency in Public Finance: Where are We and What to Do? 全球视野中的财政透明度:中国的差距与努力方向?
- Nowadays, the concepts of public finance are not identically used. 目前,社会各界在运用公共财政这个概念时,所指的涵义各不相同。