- public expenses for education 教育投入
- The atmosphere allowing the use of public expenses for personal purpose should be stopped. 官费吃喝的风气一定要遏制住。
- At the same time, church schools were agitating for public funds to help them bear the responsibility for education. 与此同时,教会学校也纷纷要求公家提供资金以帮助它们承担教育任务。
- Larry figured his expenses for the past month. 拉里计算了他上个月的开支。
- The income of a government from all sources appropriated for the payment of the public expenses. 收入:从各种来源的政府收入拨给支付公共支出的费用。
- The dress is too expensive for me to buy. 那衣服太昂贵,我买不起。
- Our actual expenses for each trainee are much higher. 我们对每一位受训人员的实际支出要高得多。
- She was designated as the Minister for Education. 她曾被任命为教育部长。
- It's too much of an expense for me to own a car. 对我来说,拥有一辆汽车的花费太大。
- Finance for education comes from taxpayers. 教育经费来自纳税人。
- The expenses for the technical training are to be borne by you. 技术培训费用由你方负责。
- Shoppers aspirate for education and new knowledge. 商场内的游客追求教育和新知识。
- How do your living expenses for the last term average out? 你上学期的生活费用平均是多少?
- NSW Exporter of the Year Awards for Education. 年新南威尔士年度教育输出奖获得者。
- Commissioner Addo is responsible for education. 艾多专员负责教育。
- The expenses for the technical training were to be borne by you. 技术培训费用由你方负责。
- Building new futures for education. 打造教育的新未来。
- One taken by an official at public expense. 公费旅游由国家出资的政府官员的旅游
- The expenses for the technical training will be borne by you. 技术培训费用由你方负责。
- Through my childhood, I had hungered for education. 我从小就盼望上学。