- Public assets management company of the municipal institutions. 市行政事业国有资产经营公司。
- Public Assets that can be traded in a public market, such as the stock market. 公开资产在公开市场,例如股票市场买卖的资产。
- We fully agree that the Harbour should be protected and preserved as a special public asset and a natural heritage of Hong Kong people. 我们完全认同维港是香港人的特别公有资产和天然财产,是应该好好爱护和保存。
- But protecting Victoria Harbour, this special public asset of Hong Kong people, should not just be equated to no reclamation. 维港是香港人特殊的公共资产,要真正保护维港,应不止于不进行填海。
- Such opposition has been fuelled by problems such as growing income disparity and the loss of public assets during poorly regulated privatisations of state enterprises. 收入差距日益扩大、国有企业私有化过程中监管不力所造成的公共资产流失等问题,激起了一些人对改革的反对情绪。
- Examples include the sale of public assets, use of temporary revenue measures, such as tax amnesties, and initiatives to push investment spending outside the (measured) public accounts. 这些举措的例子有:售出公共资金,运用税务豁免、推进(可衡量的)公共帐户投资等临时性增收措施。
- Examples include the sale of public assets, use of temporary revenue measures, such as tax amnesties, and initiatives to push investment spending outside the( measured) public accounts. 这些举措的例子有:售出公共资金,运用税务豁免、进(衡量的)共帐户投资等临时性增收措施。
- Public assets dominant the total assets in society 公有资产在社会总资产中占优势
- Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances. 火车和公共汽车是公共交通工具。
- Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker. 发音清晰对演说家至关重要。
- I don't like to see women making up in public. 我不喜欢看见女人在公开场合化妆打扮。
- Don't give away to the public when we will start. 不要向公众泄露我们出发的日期。
- He did it in full view of the public. 他在众目睽睽之下做了那件事。
- It is the first time that I speak in public. 这是我第一次在公共场合发言。
- The first day of the month is a public holiday. 这个月的第一天是一个公共假日。
- The minister is trying to improve his public image. 部长正在努力提高他自己的公众形象。
- The public scandal left a black mark on his career. 这一尽人皆知的丑闻给他的事业留下了污点。