- A public official who performs assessments. 进行财产估价的政府官员。
- Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official. 渎职不执行或错误地执行,尤指公职人员的此种行为
- A writ issued by a superior court ordering a public official or body or a lower court to perform a specified duty. 书面训令高级法院指令某官员或机构或某下级法院去履行某项特定义务的书面文件
- The procedure by which a public official may be removed from office by popular vote. 罢免一种程序,即通过公民投票将某个官员从职位上撤退
- Misconduct or wrongdoing,especially by a public official. 渎职不执行或错误地执行,尤指公职人员的此种行为
- To enter(a legal document) on public official record. 归于官方的档案把(一份法律文件)纳入公务记录
- British financier and public official who concluded the treaty between Great Britain and the United States that defined the border between Canada and Maine(1842). 巴林,亚历山大1774-1848英国金融家和国家官员,参加了英国同美国的谈判并签订了确定加拿大与缅因边界的条约(1842年)
- A few public officials can be bought. 一些公务员会被收买。
- Lobbyists use slush fund to bribe public officials. 院外集团的说客用贿金拉拢政府官员。
- A public official who hears and decides cases brought before a court of law. 法官,审判员在法庭上听审并审判案子的政府官员。
- Corruption among public officials. 假公济私、营私舞弊、贪污渎职政府官员中的腐败行为
- Lo yists use slush fund to bribe public officials. 用来贿赂知名政客或其他有影响力的官员的资金。
- It behooves public officials to do their duty. 尽职是公务员的义务。
- His ineptness as a public official made him the laughingstock of the whole town. 作为一个官员,他的无能让他成了全镇人的笑柄。
- To charge(a public official)with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal. 弹劾在适宜的法庭上指控(官员)在职期间有不正当行为
- To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. 必须拥有最高的伦理和道德水准,才能胜任一个领导者。
- To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal. 弹劾在适宜的法庭上指控(官员)在职期间有不正当行为。
- Circumstances impose on any public official some demand for a show of hypocrisy. 由于情况所迫,任何公职官员有时都不得不做出一些虚伪的表现。
- A scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted obstruction of justice. 水门事件包括共和党官员滥用权力、违背公众信任、贿赂、蔑视国会及企图防碍司法的丑闻
- Any public official knows how to tap dance like amd without getting out of breath or sweating. 任何一个官员都知道如何悠闲自得、轻松自在而又给别人留下自己终日忙碌、动作麻利的印象。