- pterygium unguis 甲翼状胬肉
- R es ults Recurrent pterygium recurred in 2 eyes after 3 months. 结果复发性翼状胬肉2眼3月后复发;
- Unguis Suillus, Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Cortex Moutan. 猪蹄甲,地黄,赤芍,牡丹皮。
- Marking urinating and marking with unguis glands exist in only males. 躺卧不具有化学标记作用,而排粪在化学标记上的作用则难以确定。
- Objective To evaluate the advantages of pterygium resection under conjunctiva. 目的评价结膜下翼状胬肉切除术的优点。
- Objective To discuss the effect of pterygium excision with limbal autografts. 目的探讨自体角膜缘移植在翼状胬肉治疗中的作用。
- To study the relation of pterygium development to limbal stem cell lacking. 目的:研究翼状胬肉的发生与角膜缘干细胞缺乏的相关性。
- Objective To observe the effect of corneal limbus autografting on pterygium. 目的观察自体角膜缘干细胞移植治疗翼状胬肉的效果。
- Methods: 55 nails of 49 patients with unguis incarnatus were treated by CO2 laser. 方法:49例患者,55只嵌甲先激光破坏部分的趾甲和甲床至基底部再拨除嫩甲。
- We successfully used autogenous periosteum to reinforce scleral defects in 3 patients after a pterygium excision. 摘要我们成功的应用自体骨膜移值于三个因翼状赘片切除手术后所引起的巩膜缺损的病例。
- Methods:The angioarchitecture of the matrix unguis was studied by corrosion - cast,scan electromicroscopy and surgical microscopy. 方法:用血管铸型标本、手术显微镜及扫描电镜观测等方法研究了甲床的血供。
- Objective: To evaluate the effect of limbus corneoscleral stem cells transplantation on pterygium. 目的:评估角膜缘干细胞移植术治疗翼状胬肉的疗效。
- Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed of 82 eyes in 82 patients who had undergone primary pterygium surgery. 方法:对翼状胬肉初次手术的82例病人82眼进行回顾性分析。
- The unguis and mouth look like a hook,make us feel funk or enjoy it; it's beauty from mightiness also is acuity and make more painter giving highly praise . 它那如钩的爪和嘴,令人恐惧,也令人欣赏,是强力之美,也是尖锐之美,引无数画家竞折腰
- Excision with conjunctival transplantation is useful to reduce the recurrence rate of primary pterygium. 逆行切除联合球结膜移植治疗翼状胬肉能减少初发性翼状胬肉的复发。
- Purpose: To report a case of Haemophilus influenzae-associated scleritis after pterygium excision. 摘要目的:报告一个在翼状赘片切除术后因嗜血性流感菌引起之巩膜炎。
- Objective To explore the efficacy of fresh amniotic membrane transplantation for treatment of recurrent pterygium. 目的探讨新鲜羊膜移植治疗复发性翼状胬肉的临床疗效。
- ConclusionVES can inhibit the proliferation of pterygium fibroblast in vitro significantly. 结论VES可有效抑制翼状胬肉成纤维细胞的增殖活性。
- Methods Limbus corneae autografting were performed on 10 cases (10 eyes) with recurrent pterygium. 方法对10例(10眼)复发性翼状胬肉患者施行患眼健侧带结膜的自体角膜缘移植术。
- Keeping the balance of metabolism of collagen, wat is benefical to control the developing of pterygium. 维持胶原代谢平衡,有利于控制翼状胬肉的演变。