- psychosocial moratorium 心理社会性延缓
- The bank call for a moratorium on payment. 银行要求延缓付款。
- Psychosocial Sciences Speech and Language Therapy. 心理学与语言疗法。
- The bank call for a moratorium on payment . 银行要求延缓款项偿付期。
- A moratorium on the deployment of a new weapon. 暂停一种新型武器的部署
- The bank call fora moratorium on payment. 银行要求延缓付款。
- Moratorium on new shares it is not impossible. 暂停新股也并不是不可能的。”
- Progressive students suggested to hold a one-week moratorium. 进步学生建议暂停课一周。
- Already we have imposed an moratorium on nuclear testing. 我们已经停止了核试验,
- What was and is the psychosocial significance of the hymen? 处女膜的心理社会学意义是什麽和曾经是什麽?
- Tumescence problems can have physical or psychosocial causes . 膨胀问题可能有生理的或心理的发病原因。
- We recommended a moratorium on two particular kinds of experiments. 我们建议暂禁两种特殊的实验。
- Canada has already announced a unilateral moratorium. 加拿大已单方面宣布了一个允许暂缓还债的计划。
- The coloured students held a one-week moratorium on classes to oppose racism. 黑人学生举行罢课一周反对种族歧视。
- Already we have imposed a moratorium on nuclear testing. 我们已经停止了核试验
- The government has called for a moratorium on weapons testing. 政府已要求暂停武器试验。
- Already we hae imposed an moratorium on nuclear testing. 我们已经停止了核试验,
- YARON SIMONS and JIM TAYLOR. A Psychosocial Model of Fan Violence in Sports[J]. 赵建安,张鲲等.;足球赛场球迷骚乱和暴力成因的社会心理学探析[J]
- The colored students held a one-week moratorium on classes to oppose racism. 黑人学生举行罢课一周反对种族歧视。
- The coloured students held a one - week moratorium on classes to oppose racism. 黑人学生举行罢课一周反对种族歧视。