- psychopathia chirurgicalis [医] 手术前精神变态
- German physician and neurologist particularly known for his studies of sexual deviance and the published collection of case histories Psychopathia Sexualis(1886). 克拉夫特-埃宾,理查德·冯1840-1902德国内科医生和精神病学家,特别以他对性偏离的研究和病历总集性精神变态(1886年)的出版而闻名
- liquor sodae chlorinatae chirurgicalis [医] 外科用次氯酸钠溶液
- interstitial implant of chorda chirurgicalis 埋线
- constitutional psychopathia inferior 素质性病态人格性低下, 体质性自卑感精神变态
- chorda serica chirurgicalis sterilis [医] 无菌丝线
- Nursing care of chronic dacryocystisis patients treated by chorda chirurgicalis conversely suture 羊肠线逆行挂线治疗慢性泪囊炎的护理
- Keywords chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve(CCI);chorda chirurgicalis;silk thread;PE90 cuff;rats; 关键词坐骨神经慢性压迫模型(CCI);铬制羊肠线;丝线;PE90套管;大鼠;
- German physician and neurologist particularly known for his studies of sexual deviance and the published collection of case histories Psychopathia Sexualis(1886) 德国内科医生和精神病学家,特别以他对性偏离的研究和病历总集性精神变态(1886年)的出版而闻名
- depressive psychopathia 抑郁性精神病
- constitutional psychopathia [医] 体质性精神变态, 精神病体质
- psychopathia 变态人格.
- chorda chirurgicalis 肠线
- liquor merbromini chirurgicalis [医] 外科汞溴红溶液
- psychopathia martialis 战争性精神病态
- asthenic psychopathia 无力性精神病质
- chirurgicalis (拉)外科的
- chorda serica chirurgicalis [医] 外科缝线, 丝线
- psychopathia almartiis 战争性精神变态
- psychopathia sexualis 性欲性精神变态 性?ば跃