- The ownership of land out of possession. 土地所有权源于占有。
- The ownership of land grew out of possession. 土地所有权源于占有.
- The Psychology Of Spirituality II. 精神心理学2。
- We had a lot of possession but lacked incisiveness. 我们控球不错但缺少真正意义上的进攻。
- The Psychology of Nationality and Internationalism. 民族心理学与国际主义
- The psychology of the child archetype. 儿童原型的心理学。
- A contribution to the psychology of rumour. 一个对谣言心理学的贡献。
- This is psychology of a kind of flunky. 这是一种奴才心理。
- psychology of possession 占有心理学
- Strongman K. J. (1987/1993).The psychology of emotion. 游恒山(译)。情绪心理学。台北:五南图书出版社。
- He would still be guilty of possession of stolen property. 他占有被盗财物也是有罪的。
- The reverse psychology of their cheerful sense of doom worked well. 对他们幸灾乐祸的高兴劲儿,逆反心理起了作用。
- Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 中国科学院心理研究所。
- I limit and prevent by my act of possession, no matter how kind my intention. 我根据我的所有物的行为限制而且避免,没有物质如何类型我的意图。
- Strongman, K.T.(1987/1993). The psychology of emotion. 游恒山(译)。情绪心理学。台北市:五南。
- I limit and thwart by my act of possession, no matter how kind my intention. 我的占有欲限制和阻碍别人,无论我的用心是多么善良。
- Amabile, T. M. (1983). The social psychology of creativity. 郑昭明(民86)。什麽是创造力?台大校训。台北:国立台湾大学。
- Landy (1989). Psychology of work behavior. BROOKS/COLE. 郑伯壎等人编著(2003):组织行为在台湾。台北:桂冠。
- The aggregate evidence that gives rise to a legal right of possession or control. 所有权凭证产生占有或控制某物的法律权力的全部证据
- Women enjoy the same rights of possession and inheritance of family property as men. 中国妇女与男子一样获得了家庭财产的所有权和继承权。