- psychology of artistic harmony 艺术和谐心理
- It includes also a contemporary work inspired by the Islamic Calligraphy that demonstrate a state of artistic harmony in the exhibition. 此展览会也包括得自回教艺术书法的灵感的同时代的作品,使此展览会呈现出艺术绸和的状态。
- Coleridge was interested in the psychology of artistic creativity and was dissatisfied with the empiricist idea that the mind was merely a passive absorber of impressions. 柯尔律治对艺术创作的心理学很感兴趣,并且对经验主义者认为心灵仅仅是印象的一个被动吸收者这一思想不满。
- psychology of artistic environment 艺术环境心理
- psychology of artistic fabrication 艺术虚构心理
- Du Pu had a very deep sense of isolation.And he became even more self-conscious of artistically refining this psychology of his in his late days. 摘要杜甫具有深刻的孤独感,而且越到晚年,对于孤独心境的提炼也愈益自觉。
- The Psychology Of Spirituality II. 精神心理学2。
- Life alone is the source of artistic vitality. 唯有生活,才是赋予艺术以真正活力的生命之本源。
- The Psychology of Nationality and Internationalism. 民族心理学与国际主义
- A practitioner of artistic or philosophic realism. 唯实论者,实在主义者艺术或哲学唯实论或实在论的实践者
- The psychology of the child archetype. 儿童原型的心理学。
- Strangeness is the specialty of artistic language. “陌生化”是艺术语言的特质。
- A contribution to the psychology of rumour. 一个对谣言心理学的贡献。
- Michelangelo left us with a lot of artistic works. 米开郎基罗给我们留下了大量的艺术作品。
- This is psychology of a kind of flunky. 这是一种奴才心理。
- A tribe of artists live in Greenwich Village. 在格林尼治村住着许多艺术家。
- Arrangement of artistic parts so as to form a unified whole. 布局对艺术品的加以布置以形成一个整体
- Strongman K. J. (1987/1993).The psychology of emotion. 游恒山(译)。情绪心理学。台北:五南图书出版社。
- Each year bring a new mode and a new crop of artist. 每年都会产生一种新的风格,诞生一批新的艺术家。
- Cartoon movies have their special mechanism of artistic genesis. 摘要动画影片具有独特的艺术生成机制。