- Punishment is one of the important means by shaping behavior and character, it can deter certain badness, but whether the function of punishment can exert is largely determined by the perception of punitive justice. 惩罚是用来塑造行为及个性品质的一种重要手段,运用惩罚则可以制止某种不良行为的出现,但惩罚能否起到应有的作用在很大程度上取决于人们对惩罚公平性的认识。
- The Psychology Of Spirituality II. 精神心理学2。
- The Psychology of Nationality and Internationalism. 民族心理学与国际主义
- The psychology of the child archetype. 儿童原型的心理学。
- A contribution to the psychology of rumour. 一个对谣言心理学的贡献。
- This is psychology of a kind of flunky. 这是一种奴才心理。
- Strongman K. J. (1987/1993).The psychology of emotion. 游恒山(译)。情绪心理学。台北:五南图书出版社。
- punitive justice; punitive damages. 判刑;惩罚性的赔偿损失。
- The reverse psychology of their cheerful sense of doom worked well. 对他们幸灾乐祸的高兴劲儿,逆反心理起了作用。
- Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 中国科学院心理研究所。
- Over the centuries, the institution of punitive damages derived from and developed in Anglo-American law system. 惩罚性损害赔偿制度起源于英美法系,并发展、发达于英美法系国家,迄今已有几百年的历史。
- Strongman, K.T.(1987/1993). The psychology of emotion. 游恒山(译)。情绪心理学。台北市:五南。
- Amabile, T. M. (1983). The social psychology of creativity. 郑昭明(民86)。什麽是创造力?台大校训。台北:国立台湾大学。
- Landy (1989). Psychology of work behavior. BROOKS/COLE. 郑伯壎等人编著(2003):组织行为在台湾。台北:桂冠。
- Before the Constitution of punitive procedure to the procedure tort, maybe the lawyers' association should take on the procedure defending. 在程序侵权制裁程序还没有建立之前,或许由律师协会来承担这个维权投诉更为合适。
- The trial was a travesty of justice. 这次审判嘲弄了法律的公正性。
- If the conduct of a defendant has been sufficiently outrageous, we view the proper remedy to be in the realm of punitive damages. 但被告的行为倘若系属严重的暴行,此时,我们认为惩罚性的损害赔偿对于原告而言系为适当救济的方式。)
- The author expounds mainly the scope of application of punitive compensation system in the area of right invasion and contract. 主要论证了惩罚性赔偿制度在侵权领域和合同领域中适用范围。
- His trial was a travesty of justice. 对他进行审判是对正义的歪曲。
- There are several legal issues concerning the application of Punitive damages system, which is a specific system existing in common law. 摘要惩罚性赔偿是普通法上一项独特的制度,在适用中衍生出若干法律问题。