- He looked at the man with a tranquil eye. 他以平静的眼神看着那个男人。
- psychical tranquilization 净志
- A gentle breeze wimpled the tranquil lake. 微风在平静的湖面上吹起了涟漪。
- There was a tranquil expression on her face. 她脸上露出安详的神情。
- She claims to be psychic and to be able to foretell the future. 她自称有特异功能,能预知未来。
- A calm or tranquil state of mind; self-possession. 冷静,沉着头脑镇定或沉着的状态; 自我克制
- They lived a tranquil life in the countryside. 他们在乡下过着宁静的生活。
- Both my husband and I love the tranquil life in the country. 我丈夫和我都喜欢乡村的宁静生活。
- A person apparently responsive to psychic forces. 通灵的人一个表面上对心灵力量很敏感的人
- The physicist debunked the psychic's claims. 这些唯心论者揭露了唯心论者的主。
- Hometown is your psychical root. 故乡才是你灵魂深处的根。
- There was a tranquil expression on his face. 他脸上有一种安祥自若的表情。
- How am I supposed to know,I'm not psychic! 我怎么会知道呢,我又没有特异功能!
- He was as tranquil as if nothing had happened. 他那副悠闲的样子就像什么事也没发生似的。
- It's slow and yet searing psychic force! 这是慢性地摧裂心肺的力量啊!
- Life in the countryside is very tranquil. 农村的生活十分安宁
- How did you know I was here? You must be psychic. 你怎么知道我在这里,你一定有特异功能。
- A psychic is one who senses by invisible means. 通灵者是指靠看不见的方式来感知的人。
- Some people are said to have psychic powers. 据说有些人有通灵的能力。
- A calm or tranquil state of mind;self - possession. 冷静,沉着头脑镇定或沉着的状态;自我克制