- Parallel Processing for Image Recognition. 图象识别的并行处理方法。
- Ants are a parallel processing machine. 蚁群就是一个并行处理机。
- IRAMs are also the ideal building block for parallel processing. 智能随机存取存储器也是并行处理方法的理想构建区。
- SPML supports both sequential and parallel processing of requests. SPML同时支持并行和顺序处理请求。
- Analyzes the stochastic ergodicity and sensitivity of initial value of chaos model, proposes the chaos pseudo parallel genetic algorithm (CPPGA) based on multiple populations. 摘要剖析了混沌模型的随机性、遍历性和初值敏感性的特点,提出了多种群伪并行混沌遗传算法。
- Analyzes the stochastic ergodicity and sensitivity of initial value of chaos model,proposes the chaos pseudo parallel genetic algorithm(CPPGA) based on multiple populations. 仿真结果表明,混沌伪并行遗传算法比伪并行遗传算法和简单遗传算法具有更快的收敛速度和更高的最优解搜索成功率,可对火力分配进行优化。
- Clearly,parallel processing is an expensive solution for a small work-load. 很明显,平行处理对于小工作量来讲是很昂贵的解决办法。
- Parallel processing is the most important peculiarity in this design. 其中,并行化的设计理念是该设计的最大特点。
- Clearly, parallel processing is an expensive solution for a small work-load. 很明显,平行处理对于小工作量来讲是很昂贵的解决办法。
- Loosely, parallel processing. 不严格地讲,并行处理(法)。
- A parallel process method of ray tracing is proposed based on a BSP tree. 摘要提出了一种基于BSP树的光线跟踪并行处理方法。
- the pseudo parallel genetic algorithm 伪并行遗传算法
- pseudo parallel genetic algorithm 伪并行遗传算法
- If parallel processing succeeds, this sea of transistors could also be used by multiple processors on a single chip, giving us a micro multiprocessor. 如果并行处理方法能够实现,那么通过单个芯片的多重处理器即微型多重处理器,大量的晶体管可能也会被使用。
- In fact,parallel processing is practical for only a few classes of programs today. 实际上平行处理方法只能应用目前较少的几类程序。
- To attain the full potential of parallel processing,there is a separate data path for each card. 为了挖掘并行处理全部潜力,每块卡都有一条独立的数据通道。
- You can increase the thread pool size to allow for parallel processing of all rules that can be fired simultaneously. 可增加线程池大小,以便并行处理可同时触发的所有规则。
- A brain tempered reaction speed parallel processing capability and the small game. 一个锻炼大脑反应速度与并行处理能力的小游戏。
- In fact, parallel processing is practical for only a few classes of programs today. 实际上平行处理方法只能应用目前较少的几类程序。
- To attain the full potential of parallel processing, there is a separate data path for each card. 为了挖掘并行处理全部潜力,每块卡都有一条独立的数据通道。