- These opacities are prooved to be iron-containing substances by Prussian blue stain. 普鲁士蓝染色证实为含铁之色素。
- Two different types of catalase were detected in microbodies by starch gel ele-ctrophoresis with prussian blue staining. 用淀粉凝胶分离、普鲁士蓝染色的方法,在微体可溶性部分检出两种不同类型的过氧化氢酶。
- Neural stem cells could be labeled with SPIO and labeling efficiency was 100%, Prussian blue staining showed numerous blue-stained iron particles in the cytoplasm. 该方法标记神经干细胞的有效率为100%25,普鲁士蓝染色证实了每个标记细胞胞质内有多少不等的蓝染铁颗粒。
- Prussian blue staining of the cells showed numerous blue stained particles in the cytoplasm of the labeled cells. 体外标记的神经干细胞普鲁士兰染色发现铁颗粒聚集于细胞浆内,标记率为100%25;
- The Prussian blue(staining) of the perfused tissue showed numerous blue stained cells in the right caudate nucleus,which was the same area with the MR imaging. 脑组织切片的普鲁士兰染色显示,第1组大鼠脑组织切片未见异常蓝染细胞,第2组注射点可见蓝染细胞,第3组注射点可见稍许散在蓝色颗粒状物质。
- Methods Conventional bone marrow biopsy of posterior superior iliac spine was conducted,paraffin-embedded sections were stained with HE,Gomori and Prussian blue staining,and observed under light microscope. 方法收集经临床初诊的各种血液病75例,行常规髂后上棘骨髓活检,石蜡包埋,HE、Gomori、Perls普鲁蓝铁染色及光镜观察。
- A Primary Investigation and Comparison of Refractory Anemia(MDS-RA) With Chronic Aplastic Anemia in Bone Marrow Prussian Blue Staining 难治性贫血与慢性再生障碍性贫血骨髓铁染色的初步观察与比较
- Keywords MSPIO HE Stain and Prussian blue Stain;MRI;promising magnetic resonance agent; 中等粒径葡聚糖超顺磁性氧化铁纳米颗粒;MRI成像;HE染色和铁的普鲁士蓝染色法;MRI阴性对剂;
- Perls'Prussian blue staining 普鲁氏兰染色
- prussian blue staining 普鲁士蓝染色
- (Methods:)Neural stem cells,labeled with SPIO mediated by poly-L-lysine,underwent Trypan blue staining to observe cell viability of the labeled cells and Prussian blue staining to evaluate the labeling rate. 方法:多聚左旋赖氨酸介导的SPIO标记胎鼠神经干细胞,进行台盼兰染色和普鲁士兰染色分别检测标记细胞的存活率和标记率。
- Buccal have purplish blue stain. 颊部有紫蓝色斑点。
- The Prussian blue iron stain reveals extensive hepatic hemosiderin deposition microscopically in this case of hereditary hemochromatosis (HH). 普鲁士蓝铁染色显示,遗传性血色素沉着症(HH)患者在镜下可见广泛的肝脏含铁血黄素沉着。
- Mast cells were detected with toluidine blue stain. 用甲苯胺蓝染色的方法检测肥大细胞。
- A Prussian blue iron stain demonstrates the blue granules of hemosiderin in hepatocytes and Kupffer cells. 普鲁士蓝铁染色显示肝细胞和枯否细胞中含铁血黄素的蓝色颗粒。
- Prussian blue iron stain demonstrates the blue granules of hemosiderin in hepatocytes and Kupffer cells. 普鲁士蓝铁染色显示肝细胞和枯否细胞中含铁血黄素的蓝色颗粒。
- The studied object was from prussian blue to its derivates. 本文研究了普鲁士蓝衍生物作为锂离子电池材料的应用。
- Staining: with silver and coomassie brilliant blue staining. 染色:行银染和考马斯亮蓝染色;
- Hemochromatosis, with excessive iron deposition, can occur in the heart as shown here microscopically with Prussian blue iron stain. 血色素沉着症是由于铁过度的沉积而引起的。如图所示,经过普鲁士蓝铁染色后可见该病显微镜下的表现。
- A Prussian blue reaction is seen in this iron stain of the liver to demonstrate large amounts of hemosiderin that are present in hepatocytes and Kupffer cells. 肝脏普鲁士蓝染色显示,呈蓝色的含铁血黄素颗粒大量沉着在肝实质细胞和。