- Reserve necessaries of life and aseismatic goods and materials providing disaster relief. 储备生活必需品和抗震救灾物资。
- We should reserve necessaries of life and aseismatic goods and materials providing disaster relief. 我们必须储备生活必需品和抗震救灾物资。
- Be in aseismatic in providing disaster relief, it ever showed its positive one side for a time. 在抗震救灾中,它曾一度显示出其积极的一面。
- "Somebody is evaluated, chinese Internet is spreading out WEB2.0 aseismatic action providing disaster relief. “有人评价,中国互联网正在展开WEB2.;0抗震救灾行动。”
- And improve the training of specialists in this field so as to enhance their ability of dealing with emergencies and providing disaster relief. 加强对有关专业人员的培训,提高抢险救灾能力。
- Subsequently, chang Xiaobing heads for Sichuan to visit center of aseismatic command providing disaster relief all right. 随后,常小兵一行前往四川省抗震救灾指挥中心。
- Asunto: Providing disaster relief way, PLA man of China, run into aftershock, many persons of officers and men injure.... 中国解放军救灾途中遇到馀震;多名官兵受伤.
- But that I saw it I could not have believed it. 2. We should reserve necessaries of life and aseismatic goods and materials providing disaster relief. 要不是我亲眼目睹,我是不会相信的。2.;我们必须储备生活必需品和抗震救灾物资。答案:
- Our fellow initiates also went to the disaster area to cook vegetarian food for the flood victims and military personnel who were providing disaster relief to the victims. 第一批赈灾物资于当夜即由军方提供的卡车送往灾区,同修也到灾区为灾民与救灾的军人烹煮素食。
- Of the website of contribution providing disaster relief such as Red Cross foundation break down adumbrative, IT enterprise pool the wisdom and efforts of everyone when arrived. 红十字基金会等救灾捐款网站的瘫痪预示着,IT企业群策群力的时候到了。
- Before disaster, chinese Internet and the force that 200 million netizens erupt, in aseismatic distinct effect was produced in providing disaster relief. 在灾难面前,中国互联网和两亿网民爆发出的力量,在抗震救灾中发挥了独特的作用。
- The leaders put emphasis on establishing orgnaization of aseismatic leader providing disaster relief, main leader is opened in person catch, specific handle affairs personnel wants to fulfil. 领导人强调成立抗震救灾领导机构,主要领导亲启抓,具体办事人员要落实。
- Grasping Zhao “ is unashamed, clear person from Yuan of clear ” De criterion, peng Lei Xi looks at Alibaba De Ji providing disaster relief delimits do not suffer rumor De to affect as far as possible. 秉着“问心无愧,清者自清”的原则,彭蕾希望阿里巴巴的救灾计划尽量不受谣言的影响。
- Now, though we can't come to the scene personally like the people's own army, provide disaster relief in antidetonation, but we can do some things in power. 现在,我们虽然不能像人民子弟兵那样亲临现场,抗震救灾,但我们也可以做些力所能及的事情。
- Worker of extensive network media stands fast post, day and night, fight bravely tenaciously, with aseismatic provide disaster relief for the first important or urgent business. 广大网络媒体工作者坚守岗位、夜以继日、顽强奋战,以抗震救灾为第一要务。
- Will provide disaster relief a bit earlier disaster area of service of goods and materials, the brethren of disaster area hopes with respect to much portion. 早一点将救灾物资送达灾区,灾区的同胞就多一份希望。”
- measures for providing disaster relief 救灾措施
- idea of providing disaster relief 救灾理念
- system for providing disaster relief 救灾体制
- As a wildfire rages across southern California's Sierra Madre Mountains, Tzu Chi volunteers have been called upon by the Red Cross to help provide disaster relief for the inevitable refugees. 正当南加州的西拉玛德瑞市受野火侵袭,慈济志工和红十字会合作,帮忙肤慰难民。