- The narwhal has a single horn (actually a giant protruding tooth) and if unicorns existed in the sea, went the argument in medieval times, surely they also existed on land. 海中的独角兽--独角鲸只拥有一只角(实际上是一个巨型的突牙),因此中世纪有观点表示:既然有独角兽生活在海中,那么它同样会生活在陆地上。
- His wife was the shortest woman in the yard, the most repulsive too with her bulging forehead, high cheekbones, bald head, freckled face and protruding teeth. 二强嫂是全院里最矮最丑的妇人,奔脑门,大腮帮,头上没有什么头发,牙老露在外边,脸上被雀斑占满,看着令人恶心。
- A3- year-old male bulldog, Riggs is a drooler with protruding teeth and a penchant for attacking noisy appliances, begging for crumbs and hopping on furniture. 三岁的公牛头犬里格斯长著暴牙、著口水、攻击发出声响的电器、是摇著尾巴要面包屑吃,还喜欢在家具上跳来蹦去。
- A 3-year-old male bulldog, Riggs is a drooler with protruding teeth and a penchant for attacking noisy appliances, begging for crumbs and hopping on furniture. 三岁的公牛头犬里格斯长着暴牙、流着口水、爱攻击发出声响的电器、总是摇着尾巴要面包屑吃,还喜欢在家具上跳来蹦去。
- Riggs, a 3-year-old male bulldog, hardly looks or acts like a beauty king. He is a drooler with protruding teeth and a penchant for attacking noisy appliances. “五一”长假又将是一个婚礼旺季,历来抢手的司仪在黄金周更是“脱销”。仔细想来,“司仪”如今“小荷才露尖尖角”,正趋向成为一大热门职业,各种颁奖典礼、选美比赛上都少不了司仪。
- A 3-age-old male bulldog, Riggs is a drooler with protruding teeth and a penchant for attacking noisy appliances, begging for crumbs and hopping on furniture. 三岁的公牛头犬里格斯长着暴牙、流着口水、爱攻击发出声响的电器、总是摇着尾巴要面包屑吃,还喜爱在家具上跳来蹦去。
- The panel of judges had a much different purpose with their Westminster Kennel Club counterparts. Bowed legs, deep wrinkles, bloodshot eyes, protruding teeth and clever costumes were considered strong attributes. 本届选美大赛评审团采用的评选标准和英国威斯敏斯特小狗俱乐部大不一样,腿如弯弓、皱纹深陷、双眼发红、牙齿外突、装扮另类成为本次选美最具吸引力的特性。
- In the Confucian Temple, I opened my eyes wide to take a closer look at the images depicting Confucius. The earliest stone carving series in China show Confucius to be not a handsome man but quite ugly, with a wide face and protruding teeth. 在孔庙里我睁大眼睛察看圣迹图,中国最早的这组石刻连环画,孔子的相貌并不俊美,头凹脸阔,豁牙露齿。
- I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out. 给我拔牙时用了一氧化二氮。
- A film of mucus and bacteria on a tooth surface. 齿菌斑牙齿表面一层粘液和细菌的膜
- This tooth is sensitive to cold. 这颗牙对冷过敏。
- Mike's wife have a big sweet tooth. 迈克的妻子非常喜欢吃甜食。
- He had a bad tooth pulled out yesterday. 昨天他把蛀牙给拔掉了。
- He is hurt by a shelf protruding from the wall. 他被一个从墙上伸出的架子伤着了。
- I was fitted an artificial tooth by the dentist. 牙医给我镶了颗假牙。
- A canine tooth of the upper jaw. 上颚犬齿上颚的一个犬齿
- Nothing hurts more than a bad tooth. 疼痛莫胜于坏牙。
- This aching tooth makes me feel wretched. 这一颗牙痛得我难受极了。
- He managed to hang on to a piece of rock protruding from the cliff. 他设法抓住了悬崖上向外伸出的岩石。
- A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain. 牙神经易受损伤,可产生巨痛。