- protruding shoulder blades 翼状肩胛骨
- Triangular part of the scapula (shoulder blade) protruding laterally that forms the point of the shoulder. 肩胛骨的三角形部分在侧面突出并形成的肩膀顶点。
- The surgeon reset her broken shoulder blade. 外科医生把她摔断的肩胛骨重新接好。
- I have a pain in and around the shoulder blade. 我肩甲骨内及周围痛。
- The bullet hit him squarely between the shoulder blades. 子弹恰巧打在他的肩胛骨之间。
- The bruise hurt more, so I didn't notice the pain in my shoulder blade. 瘀伤较疼,所以我没注意到肩甲骨的痛。
- Sol-leks was limping, and Dub was suffering from a wrenched shoulder blade. 杜波因扭伤了一个肩胛而痛苦不已。
- The upper arm joins the shoulder blade in an approximate right angle. 上臂以适当的直角与肩胛连接。
- The high part of the back of a horse or similar animal,located between the shoulder blades. 马肩隆,马或类似动物背部隆起部分,位于肩胛骨之间。
- There, a little below the right shoulder blade, and to the side, his scalpel would enter. 他的刀要从那儿进去,在右边肩胛骨下面一点儿,靠边上的地方。
- Slap the infant between the shoulder blades 5 times with the heel of your hand slightly. 用另一掌跟连续拍击婴儿的肩胛骨中间5次。
- Lay the casualty semi-prone, slap the casualty between the shoulder blades 5 times with the heel of your hand; or. 将伤病者侧卧,用掌跟连续拍击伤病者两肩胛骨中间5次。
- The high part of the back of a horse or similar animal, located between the shoulder blades. 马肩隆马或类似动物背部隆起部分,位于肩胛骨之间
- Shoulder blades proportionately long and wide sloping moderately back and fairly close at the top. 肩胛骨相当长(按比例)且宽,适度向后倾斜,顶端非常靠近。
- The swimmer pull hands toward chest ( ending at breast level ) while pinching shoulder blades together in back. 蛙人拉把手伸向胸前(截至乳房级) ,而不会挤压肩胛骨一并回来。
- A dip behind shoulder blades, wheelback, flat back, or a steep or flat croup should be penalized. 胶骨结实,略微倾斜,且柔韧。
- Stand evenly on both feet, clasp hands behind your back and squeeze shoulder blades together to open your chest. 双脚着地平稳站立,双手紧扣在后背并将肩胛骨向后推挤做扩胸运动。
- But now the excruciating pain between her shoulder blades was curtailing her movements and making her feel old. 但现在她的肩胛骨疼痛难当,不仅妨碍了她的行动,也让她觉得自己变老了。
- Both shoulder blades and upper arm are long, permitting depth of chest at the brisket. 肩胛骨和前臂骨都足够长,给予胸部足够的深度。
- Shoulder blade sloping at a 45-degree angle, meeting the upper arm at a 90-degree angel. 肩胛骨与地面呈45度,与上臂的夹角呈90度。