- protective water cabin 防护水舱
- And after him to protect water resources. 而且让他以后要保护水资源。
- What methods do you think we should take to protect water? 你认为我们应该采取什么办法来保护水资源呢?
- The results show that the severest destroyed structure is the expansion cabin, and the inboard structures of the water cabin are of litter damage. 在舱室爆炸载荷作用下,防护结构中以膨胀舱的受损程度最为严重,液舱往里结构受损程度较轻。
- Wang Kaibo is one student who is already aware of the need to protect water. 一位来自北医附中的学生,王凯博(音译),已经意识到了保护水资源的重要性。
- The clapboards' distance in the expansion cabin imposes most of its influence on the side plating and deck of the expansion cabin while litter on the inboard structures of water cabin. 受膨胀舱中隔板间距疏密影响的,主要是膨胀舱中甲板及横舱壁,液舱往里结构所受影响很小。
- So, developing a series of commode test equipments to protect water resource becomes an important research fields. 因此,开发一系列新的检测系统正成为节约和保护水资源的重大关键课题。
- Fat can protect water from vaporizing easily, and protein offers a complete construction for this. 脂肪可以保护水分不易被蒸发。蛋白质结构提供一个完整构造。
- The Tianjin Commission of Communist Youth League of China will hold a ceremony to call millions of young people in the city to save and protect water resources. 天津团市委即将举行仪式,号召全城上百万青年人节约、保护水资源。
- Faced with the threat of water shortages, Beijing and Shanghai will take effective measures to save water and protect water resources. 面临水资源短缺的威胁,北京和上海将采取有效措施来节水和保护水资源。
- Place the pump above water level to protect water from flowing backwards, otherwise it should be fit with a non-return valve. 使用过程中,该机应高于水位,或加止流阀,以防水倒流。
- The State Council called for redoubled efforts to protect water sources and renovate outdated water facilities in the cities. 国家委员会呼吁要加倍努力来保护水资源和更新过旧的水利设备。
- Still, as markets are erected to protect water supplies, conserve habitats and manage fisheries, each takes a step up the learning curve. 然而,市场既然是为维护水源、保存栖息地与管理渔场而创,便各依其学习曲线循序渐进。
- In order to protect water resources and mine environments, we have to take efficient methods to make mine water purified and recycled. 为了保护水资源和矿区环境,必须采取有效的技术措施,使矿山废水净化、复用,以保护短缺的水资源。
- The first priority is to provide a sufficient quantity of water, even if its safety cannot be guaranteed, and to protect water sources from contamination. 首要重点是即使其安全性不能得到保证,也要提供充足数量的水,并保护水源避免污染。
- Based on the above pattern, it designs and develops the Three Gorge Water Environment Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), giving a new scheme to protect water environment. 基于上述模式进行了三峡水环境空间决策支持系统的设计和开发,为SDSS应用于水环境保护提供一个新的解决方案。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- On the other hand, in order to protect water environment, maintain flood prevention safty ond navigation, we should take actions to sand excavation control. 根据维持河床冲淤平衡、河道整治和经济建设的要求,需要合理利用砂石资源。
- To protect water hammer,the technologies of enlarging slow-closing time,prolongating closing distance of run and pressure relieving are adopted in this device. 为防止水击采用减缓关闭时间,拉长关闭行程和向外泄压等措施。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。