- DRC-148 and Aixin is suitable for protected cultivation varieties in Xining area. 结果表明:DRC-148和爱心为西宁地区保护地栽培的适宜品种。
- In northeast of China, especially in Heilongjiang province, the best method to grow seedling for Stevia Rebaudania was protective cultivation. 摘要在东北地区特别在黑龙江省,甜叶菊的育苗工作最好采用保护地栽培的方法;
- Protecting cultivated land is always the foundation for increased grain production. 保护耕地始终是增产粮食的基础。
- This paper summarized different temperature types affecting the dormancy release of deciduous fruit trees, and provided the academic basis for protected cultivation. 现综述不同温度类型对落叶果树芽休眠解除的影响,以期对设施栽培提供理论依据。
- Abstract : Leaf mould (Fulvia fulva) is one of the serious diseases on tomato under protective cultivation and also a widespread disease of tomato in the world. 摘要 : 番茄叶霉病是威胁保护地番茄生产的一种严重病害,为世界病害,可直接导致番茄减产,并严重影响番茄品质。
- Indeterminate type, mid-early matured variety, 10-15g/fruit, bright red color, excellent flavor, brix 8-10%, suitable for long season growth under protected cultivation. 无限生长,中早熟,果实圆形,单果重10-15克,成熟果色泽红亮,果味酸甜浓郁、口感极好,适宜保护地长季节栽培。
- The government should be adopted and popularize the measure such as protection cultivation, use firedamp, the development of stimulative agriculture and country. 政府应采取和推广保护性耕作、使用沼气等措施,促进农业和农村的发展。
- The first round aimed at serving social and economic development and the second had a feature of protecting cultivatable land. “第一轮”规划体现出服务于社会经济发展的特点;“第二轮”体现出耕地保护的特点。
- People's governments at various levels must value and make a rational use of land,and earnestly protect cultivated land. 各级人民政府必须珍惜和合理利用土地,切实保护耕地。
- People's governments at various levels must value and make a rational use of land, and earnestly protect cultivated land. 各级人民政府必须珍惜和合理利用土地,切实保护耕地。
- Salt stress is a global problem in crop production, and secondary salinization in soilsof protected cultivation has become one of major factors adversely affecting horticulturalcrops. 盐胁迫显著降低了作物产量,影响蔬菜产品品质,提高作物的耐盐性对农业生产意义重大。
- Land consolidation and rehabilitation is the foundamental way to realize the dynamic equilibrium of total cultivated and the important act to protect cultivated land. 土地整理是实现耕地总量动态平衡的根本途径 ,是我国耕地保护的重要举措。
- Under the conditions of protected cultivation, Katy apricot can significantly improve its average weight, quality and yield of fruits.Katy is the best apricot cultivars for protected cultivation. 凯特杏在设施栽培条件下的优势表现达,说明其适宜于设施栽培。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- This land is feasible for cultivation. 这块地适合耕作。
- Only 10 percent of the land was under cultivation. 只有百分之十的土地用作耕地。
- Cultivation of grapes; viticulture. 酿酒葡萄栽培法; 葡萄酿酒业
- How can we protect our computer files? 我们怎样才能保护我们的计算机数据?
- She was engaged in protecting wild birds. 她致力於保护野生鸟类的工作。
- A plastic cover protect the computer. 这台计算机由一个塑料防护罩盖着。