- The drive checks the password and grants access to the protected data if it is the correct one. 驱动器对密码进行核对,如果密码无误,则允许用户读取受保护的数据。
- The used view in Accounting Information System is great important for protected data completeness and sofety. 会计信息系统中,为了保障数据的完整和安全,采用视图技术尤为重要。
- Therefore, dialog security helps protect data against inspection or modification in transit. 因此,对话安全模式有助于保护数据在传输中免遭探查和修改。
- These instructions can make quick work of the task of making sure protected data can only be accessed by authorized entities on your Linux system. 这些指示可以快速确保受保护的数据只能由Linux系统上已授权的实体访问。
- The SQL Server 2005 Database Engine helps you protect data from unauthorized disclosure and tampering. SQL Server 2005数据库引擎可以帮助您保护数据免受未经授权的泄漏和篡改。
- Protected Storage helps safeguard data you want to keep private. These details show which program is attempting to access your protected data. 受保护存储帮助您保护要保密的数据。这些详细信息显示哪个应用程序正在试图访问您的受保护的数据。
- Protected Storage helps safeguard data you wish to keep private. These details show which application is attempting to access your protected data. 受保护存储帮助您保护要保密的数据。这些详细信息显示哪个应用程序正在访问您的受保护的数据。
- End-to-End encryption is offered by TETRA to protect data during the entire transmission. TETRA还提供端-端加密服务,确保整个传输过程的机密性。
- Air interface security and end-to-end encryption a re offered by TETRA to protect data during the entire transmission. 数字集群系统TETRA提供空中接口加密和端-端加密以实现通信的机密性。
- The shortcoming in focusing on such sturdy digital walls is that once they are evaded, the attacker has access to all the protected data behind them. 缺点侧重于这种坚固的数字墙是,一旦他们回避,攻击者已经进入所有受保护的数据背后。
- Conclusion: The system model can protect data security in telemedicine,which can be helpful to the application of s... 结论该系统模型实现了远程医疗信息的安全保护,对于安全远程医疗的实施有一定的参考意义。
- There are, however, a number of issues related to implementing symmetric key ciphers to protect data at rest that should be discussed at some length. 但是,本文对有关实现对称密钥加密来保护静态数据的一些值得讨论的问题进行了讨论。
- In this article, I will address the confidentiality aspect of data security: Making sure protected data can only be accessed by authorized people or systems. 在本文中,我将谈到数据安全性的机密性方面:确保受保护的数据只能被授权用户或系统访问。
- Cryptography helps protect data from being viewed or modified and helps provide a secure means of communication over otherwise insecure channels. 加密可以帮助保护数据不被查看和修改,并且可以帮助在本不安全的信道上提供安全的通信方式。
- The test result shows that this model can effectively stop the unauthorized access and protect data from destructing or stealing. 测试结果表明,该模型可以有效地阻止进程的非法访问而确保数据不被窃取或破坏。
- In data security, a sensitivity indicator that is permanently associated with protected data, processes and /or other resources and that may be used in enforcing security policy. 在数据保密学中,用于被保护数据、进程和/或各种资源的一种永久敏感度标志,还可以用来执行安全政策。
- This system not only can protect data's confidentiality and integrality but also can authenticate the origin's identity. 该系统不仅能够保证信息的机密性、完整性,而且还能实现对密文来源的认证。
- The data stored in a computer can be protected. 存储在计算机里的数据能被保护起来。
- Recent government regulations and market demand have increased requirements for protecting data resources. 最近的政府法规和市场需求更多地要求对数据资源进行加密。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。