- protect section by section 分段保护
- Suffering paper cuts and icky news ink, I flipped through, section by section. 该死的报纸刚刚出版,还带着粘糊糊的墨汁,我急切地翻阅,一版又一版。
- For instance, you might want to set a pyramid diagram to animate, section by section, from the bottom up. 例如,您可能希望从底部向顶部、一部分一部分地将棱锥图图表设置成动画。
- We can go through the dialogue section by section and summarise each bit as we go along. 我们可以一部分一部分地看这个对话,在我们看的过程中把每一部分都做个总结。
- A new survey method is proposed for simultaneous installation of belt conveyor on a section by section basis by using the error prociple. 文中依据误差原理,针对矿井运输皮带分段同步安装的实际情况提出了一种新的测量方法;
- The bill is debated section by section in second read and after being passed by both house and senate being engrossed and sent to the president as a joint resolution for signature( or veto). 当众议院和参议院全部通过后,议案正式写成法律文件,作为联合决议送总统签字(或否决)。
- Cutting section by section in forest belt 断带采伐
- Methods Cross sectional images of fresh tissues from the first Chinese visible human dataset were reviewed and the structures of the cervical spine were confirmed on a section by section basis. 方法应用首例中国数字化可视人体数据集,在薄层断面图像上观察和测量脊柱区颈段椎管、脊髓、横突孔、椎动脉等结构。
- Control and protect section is the most pivotal section in HVDC system. 高压直流输电系统中最关键的部分是控制保护部分。
- Truncates the specified code section by the specified length. 根据指定长度截断指定代码段。
- Setting up Three Dimensional Blood Vessel by Section. 由切片重建血管的三维形态。
- We close this section by discussing some points about the original form of the Pauli exclusion principle. 我们以讨论关于包利不相容原理原始形成的某些论点来结束此节。
- The term binding is used to describe the enclosing of the raw edge of a garment section by another section. 滚边是专业术语,指交一片衣片的毛边用另一根条料包起来。
- Complete the Receipt Address section by typing the Swish Swash host IP address and port number. 键入Swish Swash主机IP地址和端口号完成Receipt Address区段。
- No significant difference can be seen in the dimensions by section, MPR and VRT(P>0.05). 统计学分析尸体标本与图像后处理影像上的MPR和VRT两组数据测量值间无显著差异(P>0.;05)。
- It deepens Darwin's thoughts of individual section by making the individual fitness consonant with population fitness. 让个体意义上的适应与群体层次的适应协调一致,深化了达尔文的个体选择思想。
- Controlling brushes,water pump, fan and the time of pressing section by digital display. 数字化控制毛刷、水泵、鼓风机启动时间,压片机压片时间。
- Losses associated with depreciable assets are governed by Section 167 and/or Section 168. 确认部分受损资产的损失,经常必须通过资产的销售或者置换来实现。
- The roots are extracted in the root sections by method of bisection or secant. 采用二分区间求根法或弦截求根法确定故障点。
- Except as provided by section 16 persons who are not partners as to each other are not partners as to third persons. 除了本法第16节规定的人;即相互之间不是合伙人的人对第三人来说也不是合伙人.