- protect and pass down 传承保护
- May you all find your own success here, and pass down our spirit to the new comers. 时间有三种步伐:未来姗姗来迟,现在像箭一样飞逝,过去永远静止不动。
- At present, the development of Dingzhou Yangko declining, rescue, protect and pass on imminent. 目前,定州秧歌发展日渐式微,抢救、保护和传承迫在眉睫。
- Seek him out and pass on the news. 把他找出来并且把消息传达给他。
- Our company carries and passes down honor of Chaozhou embroidery with hundreds of years. 公司承载百年潮绣荣耀,致力于传承潮绣文化,传播与发扬东方文化。
- In 2008, the Olympic spirit will be spread, enhanced, and passed down from generation to generation in the world's most populous nation. 2008年,奥运精神将在世界上人口最多的国家得到发扬光大并代代相传。
- At the beginning of the world, everything was in chaos and out of position, and who recorded and passed down the scenes of those days? 世界之初,混沌一片,那时的情况是谁传下来的呢?
- Recently many US soldiers were killed in Iraq and passed down the street while hundreds of Iraq citizens knifed the dead bodies. 最近有许多美国士兵在伊拉克被杀,尸体在街上运送的途中被成百的伊拉克市民用刀刺割。
- Thousands of years ago a Bedouin legend was told and passed down from generation to generation about how the Arabian horse was created. 数千年以前一个贝多因人传说从世代到世代被告诉而且传下来有关阿拉伯的马如何被产生。
- Tribal lore and custom have been passed down orally. 部落的知识和风俗口耳相传保存下来。
- Pass down the bus and make room for more passengers. 往车厢里面走,让更多的乘客上车。
- How do we protect and share WA's fish resources? 我们如何保护和分享西澳大利亚渔业资源?
- Protect and cherish the flowers and plants! 保护绿化环境,爱护花草树木!
- So the rules for winter are to protect and soothe. 冬天的原则是保护皮肤并减缓痛苦,
- Read the notice and pass it to your neighbour. 看完这份通告后把它传给你的邻居。
- So open your heart And pass it on! 打开你的心扉把爱传递开去!
- Please read the note and pass it on to others. 请看字条,并传给其他人看。
- A place offering protection and safety; a shelter. 避难所提供保护及安全的场所; 庇护所
- I saw several gownsmen pass down the street, and I sallied forth again. 我看见几位长袍书生沿街而行,于是我也冲出门外。
- Please read this notice and pass it on to others. 通知看后请传给其他人。