- The prosperity of the family dates from the war . 这家人的发迹始于大战时期。
- The prosperity of the family dates from the war. 这家人的发迹始于大战时期。
- He knew the pulse of the nation. 他了解国民的心态。
- The princess captured the hearts of the nation. 那位公主赢得了全体国民的心。
- Met with the leadership of the nation's top unions. 与这国家中最高联合会的领导们会晤
- On hearing of the victory, the nation was transported with joy. 听到胜利的消息,全国人民一片欢腾。
- The news of the president's murder rocked the nation. 总统被暗杀的消息震惊了全国。
- Baseball is the national game of the USA. 棒球是美国全民喜爱的运动。
- It will seriously threaten the prosperity of the country. 这将严重威胁国家的繁荣。
- You have only to look around to see the prosperity of the district. 你只要环顾四周,就可看到这个地区的繁荣。
- They filed past the grave of the national hero. 他们排成纵队走过那位民族英雄的坟墓。
- The young generation is the hope of the nation. 年轻一代是国家的未来。
- Amity between the two nation will contribute to the prosperity of the region. 这两个国家之间的和睦友好有助於这一地区的繁荣。
- The Forth of July is the National Independence Day of the USA. 七月四日是美国国庆日。
- The prosperity of the country rs shipping industry was on the wane. 该国航海业的繁荣正趋衰落。
- Avid reader of The Nation magazine. 国家杂志的忠实读者。
- Amity between the two nations will contribute to the prosperity of the region. 这两个国家之间的和睦友好有助於这一地区的繁荣。
- Nearly 8%of the nation's workforce is unemployed. 全国大约8%25的劳动力失业。
- They were essential to the economic prosperity of the country. 他们对这个国家的经济繁荣至关重要。
- A monument was dedicated to the memory of the national hero. 人们建立了一座纪念碑以纪念这位民族英雄。