- In the basement water streams down the walls. 在地下室里,水顺着墙不断地流下来。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- The valley is seamed with small streams of water. 山谷里布满小溪。
- The designs in that rug are well proportioned. 那地毯上的图案设计非常协调。
- The punishment was proportioned to the crime. 罪罚相当。
- He greeted me with a stream of abuse. 他见到我就连声辱骂。
- He uttered a stream of profanities. 他说出了一连串不敬的话。
- The lake is fed by several small streams. 这湖是由几条小溪的水汇聚而成的。
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。
- Teenagers often go against the stream. 青少年经常反潮流而动。
- The new plant comes on stream in March. 新工厂将於三月份投产。
- He bathed in many a limpid stream. 他在许多清澈的溪流中沐浴。
- Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. 我们的花园有一边以小河为界。
- I've seen the stream of lava from a volcano. 我见过火山喷发出的熔岩流。
- He came out with a stream of abuse. 他讲了一连串的污言秽语。
- An extremely little person who is otherwise normally proportioned. 侏儒一个非常矮但身体各部分比例正常的人
- From west to east streams down the tumbling rill. 这翻滚的小河从西向东流去。
- A flowing together of two or more streams. 汇集两条或多条溪流的聚合在一起
- The point of juncture of such streams. 交汇处这些溪流的汇合点
- A turbulent, swift-flowing stream. 急流形成旋涡的,迅速流动的水流