- proportional coupling 比例偶合
- The force moving a body is proportional to the mass of the body. 移动物体的力与该物体的质量成正比。
- Payment will be proportional to the amount of work done. 酬金将与工作量成比例。
- The pay will be proportional to the time put in. 代价要和所花费的时间成比例。
- Alignment checks when coupling refitted. 设备工程师对联轴做对中检查。
- Their coupling is the mere combat. 他们性交只是场搏斗。
- Strain is proportional to stress. 应变量与应力成正比。
- Salary is proportional to years of experience. 薪金视资历而定。
- I've isolated the reverse power flux coupling. 我已经隔离反向电流接合
- Toreplace a chromosome by proportional selection. 基因的选择算子。
- Punishment ought to Be proportional to the crime. 惩罚应该与所犯的罪相应。
- Loose coupling has many advantages. 松散耦合有许多优点。
- Love is the spiritual coupling of two souls. 爱情是两个人精神上的结合。
- Weight should be proportional to height. 重量应该是比例与高度。
- For that, we need to minimize this coupling. 因此,我们需要将它们之间的耦合降低到最低程度。
- The output should be proportional to the input. 产出应和产入成比例。
- Direct drive via a coupling (fig 2). 是通过联轴节的直接驱动(图2)。
- Is your definition of loose coupling too tight? 您对松散耦合的定义是否太过狭窄呢?
- They are used as a coupling device in mating. 它们在交配时被用作一个联结装置。
- The increase in profit is proportional to reduction in overhead. 利润的增加与间接费用成本的削减成比例。