- The property rights of rural land are not protected by laws.Nor are they protected by Property Rules, Liability Rules, or even Inalienability Rules. 这种制度安排使农地产权成为一种失去法律防护的权利,它既不能依据财产规则来保护,也不能以责任规则来保护,甚至不能得到“不可转让规则”的保护。
- dual property rights of rural land 二元农地产权
- To Clarify Property Rights of Rural Land, to Make Reforms on Compensation for Land Confiscation 明晰农地产权改革征地补偿
- property rights of rural land 农地产权
- comprehensive concept of rural land property rights 农地全面产权观
- As for the building of rural financial system, the foremost thing is to readjust and perfect property rights of its components. 具体到农村金融体制的建设,首要的便是调整与完善农村金融体系各个组成部分的产权制度。
- Privatization of Rural Land Property Right 农地产权私有
- At the same time we can make the best use of the limited soil and house.It is not only necessary but also feasi ble to constitute transfer systemin property right of rural house. 这不仅能给农民带来实惠,同时对缓解城市住房和房价居高不下的压力大有裨益。
- management rights of rural land contraction 农村土地承包经营权
- eonrtacted management rights of rural land 土地承包经营权
- The Property Right Institutional Innovations of Rural Land Nationalization 农村土地国有化的产权制度创新
- the contract of management right of rural land 土地承包经营权
- the contractual management right of rural land 农村土地承包经营权
- the contractual right of rural land 土地承包经营权
- contractual operation right of rural land 土地承包经营权
- The transfer of and changes in property rights of enterprises. 产权划转和产权变动。
- Defining Clearly the Relationship of Property Right of Rural Collective Land and Insuring Peasants'Rights and Interests 明晰农村集体土地产权关系确保农民权益
- The Ties between Organic Form of Rural Society and Property Right Relations of Rural Land 农村社会组织结构形态与农村土地产权关系之关联
- Some Basic Theories of the Contract Management Right of Rural Land 农村土地承包经营权的基本理论
- So the reform of the rural land property rights institution can not blench the hypersensitive problem. 在这组权利束中,所有权处于核心地位,因此农村土地产权改革无法绕开这个敏感的问题。