- The Property Protection chief nodded his agreement. 财产保卫部长点了点头,表示同意。
- China's judicial institutions for intellectual property protection. 中国知识产权保护的司法途径
- Invention is nothing without Intellectual Property protection. 没有知识产权保护,发明将得不到保护。
- The short, craggy Property Protection chief settled down in a facing chair. 这位身材短小,面孔粗犷的财产保卫部部长在对面一张椅子上坐了下来。
- How can Your SME Acquire and Maintain Intellectual Property Protection? 你的中小企业如何获取和维持知识产权保护?
- Administrative channels for intellectual property protection in China. 中国知识产权保护的行政途径。
- You have an intellectual property protected. 你的知识产权就会得到保护。
- Along with its progress in reform and opening up,China has made big strides in intellectual property protection. 伴随着改革开放的步伐,中国在知识产权保护方面取得了长足的进展。
- In today's world,great importance is attached to intellectual property protection. 今天国际社会高度重视知识产权保护。
- What measures has China taken to ensure its international commitment to intellectual property protection? 中国采取了哪些措施承担知识产权保护的国际义务?
- Most of them were SMEs, that depended on effective intellectual property protection for their survival. 它们中的大多数都是中小企业,依靠有效的知识产权保护才能得以生存。
- Along with its progress in reform and opening up, China has made big strides in intellectual property protection. 伴随着改革开放的步伐,中国在知识产权保护方面取得了长足的进展。
- In some regions and in some governmental departments there is insufficient appreciation of the importance of intellectual property protection. 有的地区和部门对保护知识产权的重要性缺乏足够认识。
- The intellectual property protection of folklore mother model is a nodus and focal point of this dissertation. 子型不仅是母型的展现,而且也在不断创新、变革、丰富和发展着母型。
- In some regions and in some governmental departments,there is insufficient appreciation of the importance of intellectual property protection. 有的地区和部门对保护知识产权的重要性缺乏足够认识。
- Spurred on by its reform and opening up,China has carried on its intellectual property protection legislation at a speed never before known. 在改革开放的推动下,中国知识产权立法速度之快,也是史无前例的。
- Our Customs and Excise Department operates an Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau specialising in the criminal enforcement aspects of intellectual property protection. 香港海关设有版权及商标调查局,专责有关保护知识产权在刑事方面的执法工作。
- Therefore, it shared the views of numerous delegations, recalling the importance of intellectual property protection for development. 因此,忆及知识产权制度对发展的重要性,该组织与其它代表团观点一致。
- In this context, the Laws on Industrial Property Protection and Copyright and Related Rights were expected to be amended by August 2007. 在这一背景下,预计工业产权保护法与版权及相关权法将在2007年8月之前得到修订。
- Greater emphasis will be placed in the future on striking a balance between intellectual property protection and social development. 今后将更加强调实现知识产权保护与社会发展之间的平衡。