- In this paper,the theory of public goods is applied to the analysis of the general economy of railway infrastructure and the divers ity of the economical property of different railways in our country. 用公共物品理论分析了我国铁路基础设施的一般经济属性和不同铁路间经济属性的差异性;
- On the Property of Public Good in Education Running by Local People and Law'Reason 民办教育公益性及其法理思考
- property of public good 公益性
- The trust property of public trust and its proceeds must not be used for non-public purposes. 第六十三条公益信托的信托财产及其收益,不得用于非公益目的。
- Rural health is the basic obligation of government relizing public service goal because of its property of public. 农村卫生纯属公共品范畴,理所当然是政府实现公共服务目标的基本职责。
- After analyzing the legal relationship of GI, the thesis confirms the property of civil rights while rebutting the theory of public rights. 本文在分析地理标志的法律关系后,就地理标志的权利属性得出地理标志系私权的结论,并对地理标志的公权论逐一批驳。
- Accordingly, be opposite through can conducing to us to the observation of public policy the understanding of the property of the party. 改革开放以来,中国所有重大改革措施几乎都是通过公共政策来推动的。因此,通过对公共政策的观察可以有助于我们对党的性质的认识。
- With regard to the traditional study of the public products, it mainly centralizes on the basic level aspect, but rarely investigates the property of public products from the angle of politic level. 摘要关于公共产品的传统研究基本集中在经济层面,很少从政治层面上对公共产品的属性进行考察。
- For an enumerable collection of Business objects, the data source shows a list of public properties of simple data types exposed by the class object. 对于业务对象的可枚举集合,数据源将显示由类对象所公开的简单数据类型的公共属性列表。
- Kinetic energy is a scalar property of motion. 动能是运动的一种标量属性。
- The person was appointed administrator to manage the property of others. 这个人被指定管理他人的财产。
- The property of being coherent, as of waves. 相干性相干的性质,如波的
- He is studying the properties of these particles. 他在研究这些粒子的性质。
- Paraffin has the property of dissolving grease. 石蜡具有溶解油脂的特性。
- Mesons have the property of hypercharge. 介子具有超荷性。
- The quality or property of being efficient. 效能有功效的特征或性质
- We can use the additive property of the integral. 我们可利用积分的可加性。
- It's a property of matter to attract. 物质有引力。
- One property of steel is its hardness. 坚固是钢的特性之一。
- The state or property of being porous. 有孔性,多孔性有孔或多孔的状态或特性