- Property of the owner task is not set. 未设置所有者任务的。
- Set the Interval property of the Timer to 30000. 将Timer的Interval属性设置为30000。
- The property of each Salary Items can be set, e.g. 各种薪酬项目可让用户预先声明项目的属性。
- Set the Alignment property of the TabControl to Left or Right. 将TabControl的Alignment属性设置为Left或Right。
- Set the Interval property of the Timer control to 10000. 将Timer控件的Interval属性设置为10000。
- Set the Name property of each thread to a unique identifier. 将每个线程的Name属性设置为唯一的标识符。
- Approach is also done to the properties of cots starting with the roving process. 从粗纱机纺纱工艺出发,探讨了胶辊、胶圈的性能要求。
- Set the Size property of both Panel controls to (60, 60). 将这两个Panel控件的Size属性均设置为(60,60)。
- Kinetic energy is a scalar property of motion. 动能是运动的一种标量属性。
- The person was appointed administrator to manage the property of others. 这个人被指定管理他人的财产。
- The property of being coherent, as of waves. 相干性相干的性质,如波的
- He is studying the properties of these particles. 他在研究这些粒子的性质。
- Paraffin has the property of dissolving grease. 石蜡具有溶解油脂的特性。
- Mesons have the property of hypercharge. 介子具有超荷性。
- The quality or property of being efficient. 效能有功效的特征或性质
- We can use the additive property of the integral. 我们可利用积分的可加性。
- It's a property of matter to attract. 物质有引力。
- One property of steel is its hardness. 坚固是钢的特性之一。
- The state or property of being porous. 有孔性,多孔性有孔或多孔的状态或特性
- Weight is an inherent property of matter. 重量是物质固有的特性。