- You have an intellectual property protected. 你的知识产权就会得到保护。
- The Property Protection chief nodded his agreement. 财产保卫部长点了点头,表示同意。
- China's judicial institutions for intellectual property protection. 中国知识产权保护的司法途径
- Invention is nothing without Intellectual Property protection. 没有知识产权保护,发明将得不到保护。
- Want to enhance the competition ability of agricultural science and technology of our country, must make agrotechnical intellectual property protect strategy. 要提高我国的农业科技竞争力,就必须制定农业技术知识产权保护策略。
- The short, craggy Property Protection chief settled down in a facing chair. 这位身材短小,面孔粗犷的财产保卫部部长在对面一张椅子上坐了下来。
- Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and properties. 法律是为保卫人民的权利和财产而制定的。
- How can Your SME Acquire and Maintain Intellectual Property Protection? 你的中小企业如何获取和维持知识产权保护?
- Administrative channels for intellectual property protection in China. 中国知识产权保护的行政途径。
- The company's properties have been revalued. 这个公司的财产已重新估价了。
- A fence divides the two properties. 有一道栅栏隔著这两处房地产。
- A commercial bank shall make effective intellectual property protection strategies, and protect independently innovated financial products and services. 商业银行应制定有效的知识产权保护战略,保护自主创新的金融产品和服务。
- He thinks it's a sin to covet other's properties. 他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。
- Australian conifer bearing two-inch seeds tasting like roasted chestnuts; among the aborigines the tree is hereditary property protected by law. 澳洲针叶树,种子长达两英寸,味道类似于烤栗子;土著把此树作为世袭的财产用法律加以保护。
- He has several properties in this street. 他在这条街上有几笔地产。
- He is studying the properties of these particles. 他在研究这些粒子的性质。
- Along with its progress in reform and opening up,China has made big strides in intellectual property protection. 伴随着改革开放的步伐,中国在知识产权保护方面取得了长足的进展。
- Many plants have medicinal properties. 许多植物具有医药性能。
- In today's world,great importance is attached to intellectual property protection. 今天国际社会高度重视知识产权保护。
- What measures has China taken to ensure its international commitment to intellectual property protection? 中国采取了哪些措施承担知识产权保护的国际义务?