- Risk the illegal website proper motion that establishs with stockjobber name to shut. 冒用证券公司名义设立的非法网站自行关闭。
- Cough is the protection measure of human body, it is proper motion the only way of mucus of cleared respiratory tract. 咳嗽是人体的保护性措施,是自行清除呼吸道黏液的唯一办法。
- Or it is meal cent door fastens a courtyard to distribute, by mess of each courtyard proper motion. 或是将餐饮分门别院派送,由各院自行用膳。
- Conditional word, can send fur clothing cleaners and dyers clean glazing, also can buy proper motion of leather brightening agent to be fur clothing glazing from the shop. 有条件的话,可送皮衣洗染店清洁上光,也可以从商店购买皮革光亮剂自行为皮衣上光。
- Producing haematoma of tumour, head is caused when childbirth, do not require any treatment, heal of metropolis proper motion. 产瘤、头颅血肿都是分娩时造成的,不需任何治疗,都会自行痊愈。
- Fabricant can combine the creative work of product proper motion of HP fittings, the perfect desktop in making him frame of mind purifies a solution. 制作者可结合惠普配件的产品自行创作,制作出自己心目中完美的桌面净化解决方案。
- The origin of adipose bead is there is small cut on the skin, and in the process that revamps in skin proper motion, generated small cyst of a white. 茶色黑眼圈的成因则和年龄增长息息相关,长期日晒造成色素沉淀在眼周,久而久之就会形成挥之不去的黑眼圈。
- Usually, airframe can get place the adjustment of exciting proper motion, control, amortize, will not cause the happening of the disease. 一般情况下,机体可以将所受刺激自行的调节、控制、缓冲,不致于引起疾病的发生。
- The adolescent that green sex gingivitis sends Yu Qingchun early days more, female is much, when close manhood subsidise of general proper motion. 青春性龈炎多发于青春前期的青少年、女性为多,近成年时一般自行消退。
- However, if its membership can be confirmed by proper motion and radial velocity determinations, the cause of light variation may not be pulsation. 但是,如果自行或视线速度测定证实为其成员星,那么变光的原因也许不是脉动。
- "Doomsday clock " have pendulum only and do not have any rigid structures, accordingly it cannot proper motion settling time. “末日钟”只有钟摆而无任何机械结构,因此它无法自行调整时间。
- To reduce the loss of empty buy room, logistics division proper motion depreciates 140 yuan, make relet of land of retail sales room gave a few. 为减少空置房的损失,后勤科自行降价140元,使门市房陆续租出了几套。
- All multimedia software is cent of according to content 6 kinds of 4 class, login by manufacturer proper motion, packing an adscititious mark. 所有多媒体软件将依照内容分为六类四级,由厂商自行登录,并在包装盒外加标志。
- The Yale/San Juan southern proper motion program (SPM) is the extension of the Lick Observatory northern proper motion program to the southern hemisphere. TheYale/SanJuan南天自行计划(SouthernProperMotionProgram)简称SPM。
- With the proper motion established creepage calculator, the action adjust value of ever branch was calculated separatedly and was adjusted at the locale. 通过自行编制的漏电计算器,分别计算了每条出线的动作整定值并在现场进行了整定。
- In order to detect a planet orbiting a distant star with astrometry, one must first take into account the change in the star's position caused by parallax and proper motion. 要用天体测量法探测绕遥远恒星转动的行星,人们首先必须考虑由自行和视差产生的恒星位置的改变。
- In the meantime, take medical proper motion in the dark for induced abortion abort, lane is bad to can cause infection, can bring about lifelong barren even serious consequence. 同时,为了人工流产暗中服药自行堕胎,弄不好会造成感染,甚至会导致终身不育的严重后果。
- Finally, emphasize the thought that discussed Si Mi to adjust about proper motion of system of invisible hand, market to reach its thought of latitudinarian economic policy. 最后,着重讨论了斯密关于看不见的手、市场制度自行调节的思想及其自由主义经济政策思想。
- Circle in the air installing channel is chinese mainland not only the first chunnel, also be the first chunnel that designs by domestic expert proper motion. 翔安隧道不仅是中国大陆第一条海底隧道,也是第一条由国内专家自行设计的海底隧道。
- This is one can choose all sorts of material, combination is able to bear or endure ideally into oneself gram shoe, and the website of proper motion indent. 这是一个可选择各种材料,组合成自己理想的耐克鞋,并自行定货的网站。