- proper enforcement of law 良治
- The key point is the correct enforcement of laws. 正确实施法律是西部大开发顺利进行的关键。
- Need to engage local communities and regulators to encourage proper enforcement of existing laws. 需要让当地社区及政府参加近来以鼓励现有法律的执行。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。
- It indicated that with WIPO's cooperation it should make it possible to reach the objectives set, the proper enforcement of related rights. 它指出,在WIPO的合作下,达到定下的目标,对相关权的适当执法,应成为可成就的事。
- The enactment and the enforcement of law should adhere to the moral principles. 法律的制定和实施遵循道德原则。
- War Amendments: We urge upon Congress the enactment of appropriate legislation for securing the proper enforcement of those articles of freedom, the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments of the Constitution of the United States. 战争修正法案:我们要求议会通过适当的立法以保证充分实施有关自由的条款,包括美国宪法第十三,第十四,第十五修正案。
- The enact of social security law also aced the carrying out of the administrative enforcement of law. 摘要社会保障法律的制定,还需要强有力的行政执法手段将其贯彻落实。
- The effective enforcement of constitution is very important for the rule of law. 宪法的有效实施于法治是十分重要的。
- Countries have vibrant democracies with checks and balances. Companies can count on rule of law and fair enforcement of legal contracts. 国家拥有具备监督和平衡功能的民主制度,企业能够依靠法律法规,以及公平的强制立法协约。
- The “administrative enforcement personnel” refer to those functionaries that perform the power of administrative enforcement of law according to law. 行政执法人员是指依法履行行政执法职权的工作人员。
- Finally, it gains public conviction, enforcement of law is socially recognized and the virtuous circle comes into being. 五是让公众信服,从而使法的实现得到社会的认可,并形成良性循环。
- The basic principles of the administrative enforcement of law are extremely abstract criteria which incarnate the basic ideas of value of administrative law. 行政法基本原则是一种高度抽象的、体现行政法的基本价值观念的规范。
- The supervising regime of administrative enforcement of law in China includes the supervision of the power department and grade and justice and society. 从制度安排上说,我国行政执法监督体制包括权力机关监督、层级监督、司法监督和社会监督。
- A secular law, rule, or code of law. 世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典
- Nothing in this Part creates any obligation with respect to the distribution of resources as between enforcement of intellectual property rights and the enforcement of law in general. 本部分的任何规定均不产生知识产权执法与一般法的执行之间涉及财力物力分配的义务。
- He persisted in the study of law. 他坚持学习法律。
- Citizens are coordinates in a court of law. 公民在法庭上是平等的。
- The police are guardians of law and order. 警察是维护法纪的人。
- Ms.Veneman also called for stronger enforcement of laws and increased regional cooperation to prevent abuses. 维尼曼女士同时号召,通过更严格的执法和地区间的合作来阻止虐待的发生。