- proper boundary value problem 本者值问题
- Title: Boundary value problem for a class of second order nonlinear O.D.E. 关键词:非线性常微分方程;边值问题;解;存在性
- The series solution for boundary value problem of nonhomogeneous harmonic equation with variable coefficient is obtained. 使变系数非齐次调和方程边值问题的求解有了新的进展。
- We will discuss the initial boundary value problem with insulated boundary of two typical energy transport models in two aspects. 该文在两个方面讨论了具有绝缘边值的两种典型能量输运模型的初边值问题。
- In this paper the singular perturbed initial boundary value problem for the diffraction reaction diffusion system is considered. 摘要本文讨论了一类绕射反应扩散系统的初始边值问题。
- We mainly consider nonlinear elliptic boundary value problem(BVP) in this thesis. 而对这类具有次线性项加超线性项的非线性椭圆偏微分方程的研究目前相对较少。
- Motz problem is the prototype of elliptic boundary value problem with one singularity. 莫兹问题是典型的具有一个奇异点的椭圆边界值问题。
- It is treated as a boundary value problem for the potentials of the diffracted electromagnetic fields. 有关干扰通道的模型亦被考虑进来,当每个用户的传送信号会引起其它用户在接收上的干扰。
- A class of boundary value problem for elliptic equation with two parameters is considered. 摘要讨论了一类具有双参数的椭圆型方程边值问题。
- This paper concerns with the initial and boundary value problem for a nonlinear diffusion equation with degeneracies. 摘要研究具退化性的一类非线性扩散方程的初边值问题。
- The singularly perturbed elliptic equation boundary value problem with turning point is considered. 本文讨论了具有转向点的奇摄动椭圆型方程边值问题。
- The initial boundary value problem of fourth order wave equation with dispersive and dissipative terms is studied. 摘要研究具色散和耗散项的四阶波动方程的初边值问题。
- Part II, a parabolic initial boundary value problem in unbounded domains in three dimensions is studied. 第二部分,研究求解无界区域上三维抛物型方程初边值问题的数值方法。
- Author's method provided a new approach for discussing the solvability of a nonlinear boundary value problem. 本文给出的方法对讨论非线性边值问题的可解性提供了一种新的途径。
- In the case of multiply connected domain, the solvability of the oblique derivative boundary value problem for elliptic complex equation of third order was discussed. 讨论了多连通区域上的三阶非线性椭圆型复方程的斜微商边值问题的可解性。
- Boundary Value Problems in Magnetostatics with and without Magnetic Materials. 20磁性与非磁性材料之静磁学边界值问题。
- In this paper, a global inverse theorem is used to obtain the existence and uniquence of the solution for a nonlinear boundary value problem. 本文利用全局反函数定理讨论了一类非线性边值问题解的存在性与唯一性。
- The existence of Dirichlet boundary value problem is studied for a class of second-order nonlinear ordinary differential equations. 考察了一类二阶非线性常微分方程的Dirichlet边值问题的存在性。
- We study the singular perturbation of boundary value problem for a class of higher order ordinary differential equation, the solution is shown to exhibit double layer behavior. 摘要研究一类高阶微分方程两点边值问题的奇摄动,揭示了其解分别在两端点呈现双重边界层的性质。
- Two point boundary value problem(TPBVP) was solved by means of the genetic algorithm(GA) and neighboring extrem method(NEM). 采用遗传算法和邻近极值法求解了最优控制的两点边值问题。