- a propensity to extravagance for gambling ] 奢华赌博]的癖好
- a propensity to extravagance [ for gambling ] 奢华[赌博]的癖好
- a propensity to extravagance [for gambling] 奢华[赌博]的癖好
- a propensity to extravagance [for gambling 奢华[赌博]的癖好
- He recognized his own propensity to evil. 他承认自己生性喜作恶。
- She has a propensity to exaggerate. 她有夸大的习性。
- He has a propensity to self-subversion. 他有自我颠覆的癖好。
- a propensity to extravagance 浪费的习性
- He has been used to extravagance. 他是大手大脚过惯了的。
- propensity to extravagance 奢华的癖好
- This waistcoat has a propensity to pucker up over the chest. 这件背心的胸部常常要皱拢来。
- Software is no different, except in its propensity to change. 软件是不同的,除了它的变化的倾向。
- I'm not prone to extravagant fancies. 我是不会好高骛远的。
- So is the propensity to strike over seemingly minor matters. 为了一些看起来细小的事情,动辄罢工,原因也在这里。
- It primarily points to a propensity to this condition. 它主要地指出到对这一种情况的一个倾向。
- Mr. Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute. Bint先生总把决定推到最后一分钟。
- Such gangs have a propensity to combine against a common enemy. 这些帮派有联合起来对付一个共同的敌人的倾向。
- The neoplasm with the greatest propensity to metastasize to heart is melanoma. 最易转移到心脏的肿瘤是黑色素瘤。
- Prendergast stresses that the weather affects men's propensity to wear colour. 普伦德加斯特强调,气候影响着男人们穿着彩色服装的倾向。
- Asia's propensity to save is engrained more by policy than by culture. 亚洲储蓄倾向的根深蒂固更多是由政策而非文化原因造成的。