- The disaster was seen as a judgement from on high. 这一灾难被视为上天的惩罚。
- The disaster is seen as a judgement from on high. 这一灾难被视为上天的惩罚。
- You should form a judgement upon facts. 你应根据事实作出判断。
- He refused to make a judgement about the situation. 他拒绝对形势作出评价。
- Deliver oneself of an opinion, a judgement, etc. 发表意见、看法等。
- Make a judgement based on your life in college. 根据你的大学生活来判断。
- pronouncing a judgement [法] 宣判, 宣告, 宣称
- Now this means that LSDs are a judgement call. 要不要LSD在乎你自己的选择。
- You should base a judgement on the fact. 你应该以某事实为依据进行判断.
- The difference between a flower and a weed is a judgement. 鲜花和杂草的区别只是一个判断而已。
- The priest pronounced a blessing. 教士念祷文,祈神赐福。
- To pronounce a judgment; announce a verdict. 裁定,判定宣布判决;宣布裁决
- The nice gloves were pronounced a "perfect fit" . 那副漂亮的手套被誉为“巧夺天工,正合适。”
- The nice gloves were pronounced a "perfect fit". 那副漂亮的手套被誉为“巧夺天工,正合适”。
- This failure is a judgement on you for being so lazy. 这次失败是你懒惰的报应。
- He pronounced a eulogy upon the hero. 他向英雄致颂词。
- It is unwise to form a judgement on the basis of a single instance. 不可凭偶然的现象而下推论(一燕不成夏)。
- The neighbors considered his broken leg a judgement on him for staying away from church. 他的邻居认为,他摔断大腿是对他不去做礼拜的报应。
- The judge pronounced a sentence of death on the murderer. 法官宣判凶手死刑。
- If what you say is accurate, Roosevelt is pronouncing a long-range doom on all free men. 如果你说的话没错,罗斯福是在对全体自由人宣布长期的厄运。