- Pain, numbness or paralysis of the lower limbs of the contra-lateral side, acute lumbar sprain, cortical polyuria, prolapse of uterus, etc. 对侧下肢痛、麻木、瘫痪,急性腰扭伤,皮层性多尿、夜尿、子宫脱垂等。
- Pysfunctional uterine bleeding, pelvic inflammation, abnormal leukorrhea.It combines with Foot Motor Sensory Area for prolapse of uterus. 功能性子宫出血,盆腔炎、带下、配足运感区治子宫脱垂等。
- For cold and influenza, alternating chill and fever, malaria, fullness in chest and rib cage, irregular menses, prolapse of uterus, and prolapse of rectum. 用于感冒发热,寒热往来,疟疾,肝郁气滞,胸胁胀痛,脱肛,子宫脱垂,月经不不调。
- Reduction and effect of prolapse of uterus in cow 奶牛子宫脱的整复与疗效观察
- operation for prolapse of uterus 子宫脱垂手术
- Reduction of prolapse of uterus by pessary 用子宫托子宫脱垂复位术
- Sexuallife of patients with prolapse of uterus 子宫脱垂患者性生活
- Analysis of Prolapse of Uterus during Peri-menopause and Senility 围绝经期老年期子宫脱垂分析
- Analysis of prolapse of uterus during peri-menopause and senility in 44 cases 围绝经期老年期子宫脱垂44例分析
- A case analysis: one case of postpartum inversion and prolapse of uterus 产后子宫内翻脱垂病例分析
- Objective To explore the surgical style of fibromyoma of uterus. 目的研究子宫肌瘤病例资料,探讨子宫肌瘤治疗方式的选择。
- DNT can be used to control bleeding after removal of uterus. DNT用来控制子宫切除后的出血。
- prolapse of uterus 阴挺,子宫脱出,阴菌,子宫脱垂,阴痔
- Be like prolapse of gastroptosis, uterus, haemorrhoid, and blood pressure elevatory, limb is lack of power wait. 如胃下垂、子宫下垂、痔疮,以及血压升高、四肢乏力等。
- third degree prolapse of uterus 子宫全部脱垂
- total prolapse of uterus 子宫全部脱垂
- For: tonifying qi to improve cardiac function as in cardiac exhaustion, short of breath, palpitation, instant sweating, dropping of blood pressure; for pixu condition of weak digestive system, for prolapse of stomach, uterus and rectum. 补气以加强心脏功能;如心脏虚脱,气短,心阵跳,自汗,血压降低,脾虚消化不良,食少、胃,子宫或直肠下垂.;人参可以增加津液,减少口渴。
- The risk of uterus cancer will increase after 6 cycles of oral clomid. 此药是否不能服用超过6次,否则会有副作用增加子宫颈癌的机会?
- FemaleBecause anatomize,arise a fewFemalePeculiar disease, be like uterine body phlogistic, accessory tumour of prolapse of tilting back ward of phlogistic, uterus, uterus, pelvic cavity. 女性由于解剖及生理特点而产生一些女性特有的疾病,如子宫体炎、附件炎、子宫后倾、子宫脱垂、盆腔肿瘤等。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?