- prolapse of mucosa [医] 粘膜脱出, 粘膜脱垂
- Discuss about using High-frequency electric coagulator in Electrocautery to treat prolapse of gastric mucosa. 目的本文将介绍以高频电灼凝法治疗胃粘膜脱垂症。
- To investigate the effects of endoscopic high frequency electrosection and hot biopsy electrocautery on prolapse of gastric mucosa. 结论内镜下热活检灼除法治疗胃黏膜脱垂症易于操作,疗效确切,安全性高。
- Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of microwave therapy guided by gastroscope in treatment of prolapse of gastric mucosa. 目的:观察经内镜微波治疗胃黏膜脱垂症的临床疗效,并评价其安全性。
- Inernal prolapse of rectal mucosa 直肠黏膜内脱垂
- Internal prolapse of rectal mucosa 直肠黏膜内脱垂
- The mucosa was thinned、 flattened, rugal folds became flattened, surface of mucosa appeared fine granular. 肉眼,胃粘膜薄而平滑,皱襞变浅,有的几乎消失,粘膜表面呈细颗粒状,偶有出血及糜烂。
- While on antrum, inflammatory cells infiltrated into the entire layer of mucosa to varying degrees. 因此,有人把前者称为典型的浅表性胃炎,把后者称为慢性单纯性胃炎。
- In 1 case GI demonstrated barium filled cystic tubular dilatation with “cobblestone” patten of mucosa. 胃肠造影检查 3例 :1例重复囊腔充钡显示 ,内壁黏膜呈“鹅卵石”样改变 ,2例阴性。
- Objective To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the block technique of sacral canal treatment the prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. 目的探讨治疗腰椎间盘突出症的各种方法对比之效果。
- The mucosa was thinned,flattened, rugal folds became flattened, surface of mucosa appeared fine granular. 肉眼,胃粘膜薄而平滑,皱襞变浅,有的几乎消失,粘膜表面呈细颗粒状,偶有出血及糜烂。
- Objective To observe the antalgic effect of fumigation temperature of Chinese herbs on patients with prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. 目的观察中药熏蒸蒸汽温度对腰椎间盘突出症病人的止痛效果。
- The structure of the oviduct consists of mucosa opithlium, lamina propria and serosa. 结果表明,棘胸蛙输卵管结构可分为粘膜上皮层、固有层、浆膜层。
- Application of Mackenzie's treatment in the nursing care of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. 麦肯基疗法在腰椎间盘突出症护理中的应用。
- The mucosa becomes eroded, as in this photograph, which shows only remaining islands of mucosa called "pseudopolyps". 黏膜遭受破坏,如图显示的仅仅是残留的岛屿状黏膜,称假息肉。
- When umbilical prolapse reason exists, should prolapse of vigilant umbilical cord having Mo. 有脐带脱垂原因存在时,应警惕有无脐带脱垂。
- The mucosa was thinned、flattened ,rugal folds became flattened ,surface of mucosa appeared fine granular. 肉眼,胃粘膜薄而平滑,皱襞变浅,有的几乎消失,粘膜表面呈细颗粒状,偶有出血及糜烂。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- Be like prolapse of gastroptosis, uterus, haemorrhoid, and blood pressure elevatory, limb is lack of power wait. 如胃下垂、子宫下垂、痔疮,以及血压升高、四肢乏力等。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。